space probes

  1. G

    RIP Simon Ramo 1913-2016
  2. Graham1973

    NA/R - Solar Electric Spacecraft for Asteroid Belt Exploration (1970)

    A design by North American/Rockwell for the same contract as the TRW 'Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft'. Unlike that vehicle, which was intended for use for a variety of missions, this spacecraft was optimised for untargeted asteroid belt exploration, though with it's particle and fields...
  3. Graham1973

    TRW - Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft (1970)

    Proposed design for a Multi-Mission bus using ion engines for propulsion. Suggested missions included an untargeted asteroid belt flyby, a targeted asteroid belt flyby, a Jupiter flyby (With or without use of gravity assist to reach an out-of-ecliptic orbit following the flyby.) and a...
  4. Graham1973

    Between Voyager & Viking

    After the cancellation of Voyager(Mars) in 1967 NASA started up a new series of studies to come up with a spacecraft for the 1973 launch opportunity. This Martin-Marietta designed soft-lander of 1969 was intended to put the maximum payload weight on the surface of Mars using a mission profile...
  5. Triton

    US planned to nuke the moon

    "Confirmed: US planned to nuke the moon" Published: 26 November, 2012, 21:13 Source:
  6. Graham1973

    Surveyor Lunar Roving Vehicle (Bendix)

    NASAs pre-Apollo program underwent a number of changes as the need to reach the moon before the Russians came to dominate the program. One concept, that was studied and not proceeded with was mounting a small (100lb) rover to a modified Surveyor. It was to be fitted with small scientific...
  7. Graham1973

    TRW Venus Orbiter Proposal - 1968

    Back in 1968 TRW proposed that the last spacecraft in the series Pioneer A-E be modified so that it could be used as the first Venus Orbiter. Mission objectives included a study of the solar winds interaction with the Venusian environment...
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