space age

  1. Richard N

    Celebrating Vintage Model Kits YouTube Channel

    Unboxings and reviews of past model kits you may never see anywhere else! View: View: View:
  2. galgot

    Lifeline: Aerospace Logistics Tomorrow - 1962

    "Restored USAF documentary from 1962 about future space exploration as imagined in the early 1960s. Cargo transport to space stations and lunar bases is shown using animation. Rockets (Saturn inspired), spaceplanes and cargo vehicles (Agena inspired) are depicted. "
  3. B

    Boeing 2707 / United Wall Art - Thrift Store Find

    Hello everyone, new here, created an account to post this since I don't see many other places discussing the 2707. I was at the local thrift store(Cleveland, OH, USA) the other day and came across this pretty cool wall art. It's about 5 feet wide and features a blueprint of the 2707 along with a...
  4. Michel Van

    Expulsive Nuclear-Electric Manned Astroliner (ENEMA)

    The Source at Flickr label it as: Expulsive Nuclear-Electric Manned Astroliner (ENEMA) launch. Convair/General Dynamic artist’s concept. (1960-1962) View: got someone more info about this ?
  5. klem

    The Stooges "Thingy" vehicle 1962

    The "Thingy", a flying sub-tank from "The Three Stooges in Orbit (1962)". Just funny.- (
  6. The K2

    Astronaut Joe Engle passes away Didn’t see anything on the evening news on TV about this. Sad.
  7. The K2

    David Graham passes away

    The voice of Parker has passed on.
  8. uk 75


    While visiting the Fireball XL5 thread on Facebook I have the BBC Radio news trying to explain what is happening to get two astronauts down from the International Space Station. Flipping to an old episode of Stargate SG1 I listen to the USAF heroes explaining to a bemusec Extra Terrestrial ally...
  9. Michel Van

    Unbuilt Architecture and City Plans

    that a Novum in this Forum we talk allot about Aircraft, but not much about Airports Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport was original planed as Aéroport de Paris Nord in 1966 with 4 runways of 4000 meter length and 6 big Terminals like Terimal One, but with 6 floor multi-storey car park for 4000...
  10. uk 75

    Could the US have built an SST?

    The Boeing SST in its various guises seemed to be the future of civil aviation and the 747 was designed to be converted easily to cargo lifting when the 2707s arrived in the late 70s. Even Air France and BOAC planned to operate them alongside the Concordes expected to be in service some years...
  11. Michel Van

    The Nostromo Filming Model from 1979 ALIEN

    A detail look on piece of film history View:
  12. bercr

    US National Archives - Hi-Res period color photos - Juno II - Vanguard - Thor Able...

    Juno II Vanguard Thor Able [URL unfurl="true"][/URL] Others
  13. Rhinocrates

    Really alien aliens

    Martin Bayer, he did say of a painting of an alien that looked like a baby elephant: Clinically, it's called intellectual laziness. Yes, and the bumps-on-their-foreheads kind who talk about honour/logic/profit/petunias are even worse. So then, what are the genuinely interesting and deeply...
  14. bercr

    Space Shuttle Orbiter OV-101 Enterprise - Flickr album - About 300 Hi-Res period photographs
  15. Flyaway

    Gemini Lost and Found

    Gemini Lost and Found View:
  16. SpaceMonk

    NACA Langley’s Mach 18 Low Lift/Drag Glider - Becker’s Winged Satellite

    The successor to the X-15 was - a winged satellite? In the mid-1950s, NACA was pushing the boundaries of hypersonic flight. After the X-15, the Air Force's Project HYWARDS aimed to design a Mach 12 successor. Visionary engineer John Becker at NACA Langley proposed an even more ambitious goal: a...
  17. Michel Van

    Derek Meddings - master director of special effects

    Since we have some fans of Gerry Anderson and Derek Meddings and his Team Here some Tribute to them View:
  18. F

    Martin Marietta SSTO ( Space Shuttle Competitor)

    I am doing research regarding Martin Marietta Single stage to Orbit vehicle. I have not found much information online and was wondering if anyone had any information. All I have found is the NASA Contractor report. Thank you
  19. G

    William Anders dead; killed in plane crash; was 90

    News just came over the transom to me.
  20. flateric

    Space Models Ltd Story From Space Models Ltd was located in Feltham Greater London. The company was founded in 1964 and was recognized as one of the UK's two leading companies in the production of...
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