

    Early “Vostok” spacecraft design

    Hi! There was one thread about early Vostok design, but the weren’t any drawings; so here are they. enjoy
  2. Combat-Master

    Turkish Space Progam In a major milestone, Turkey on Tuesday unveiled its ambitious 10-year space road map that includes missions to the moon, sending Turkish astronauts to a scientific mission in space and developing internationally viable satellite systems...
  3. XP67_Moonbat

    Japanese Space Program Heres a JAXA brief regarding future hypersonic and space launch projects.
  4. F

    Gas core nuclear reactor for space and marine propulsion

    Hi I attach a file with a non-technical summary of research done at the University of Florida on a gas/vapor core nuclear reactor with MHD conversion for space propulsion. A liquid cooled version with MHD propulsion for navy operations is also presented. If Generation IV reactors are 2...
  5. FutureSpaceTourist

    Blue Origin and New SHEPARD RLV

    Blue Origin is Jeff Bezos' space company currently developing a suborbital VTOL RLV called New Shephard. This vehicle is inspired by the DC-X, with some engineers from that programme now working for Blue Origin. The company is notoriously secretive about its plans and progress but information...
  6. XP67_Moonbat

    Chinese Space Program

    An article on pre-Shenzhou studies and the Shenzhou project. Check it out: You gotta love this illustration. Here you go. Moonbat
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