soviet strategic missile troops

  1. fightingirish

    Soviet space-to-space guided missile

    The Russian military has finally revealed the rocket-propelled grenade weapon system developed for the Almaz space station project in the 1970s. Links: :eek: :cool: View...
  2. flateric

    OKB-155 (Mikoyan) ASAT

    R-7 launched ASAT system (ca.1958-1959) from MiG museum. Photos (1,2) (c) Vadim Lukashevich (, (3,4) (c) Sergey Kuznetcov aka Pilot (
  3. Tuomasn

    Soviet road-mobile ICBM and TEL projects

    As requested by styx... The MAZ-7906 and MAZ-7907 were 16x16 and 24x24 wheeled chassis respectively, intended as TELs for the "Tselina-2" road-mobile variant of the SS-24 ICBM. The MAZ-7906 from 1984 had a diesel engine and the MAZ-7907 from 1985 a 1,200 hp gas turbine with electric...
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