It was suposed at the end of the nineties to be an interim solution. Still, 20 years later, they still serve.
armata republicii socialiste românia
cold war
cold war ii
comandamentul apararii antiaeriene a teritoriului
early 21st century
forțele aeriene
forțele aeriene române
late 20th century
post-cold war
romanian air force
romanian people's republicsocialistrepublicofromania
warsaw pact
I'm looking for information, particularly technical specifications, of the Viper Mk 633-47 afterburning turbojet.
This was developed for use on the Yugoslav J-22 and Romanian IAR-93 aircraft.
It appears to be a Viper Mk 632, as licence produced in Yugoslavia, but obviously fitted with a newly...
cold war
eastern bloc
great britain
orao sarajevo
socialist federal republicof yugoslavia
turbomecanica bucharest
Hello gents,
Just found this on the net, needless to say i was jawdropped. Like other such romanian projects, not much information is available. The IAR-318 (if that is the real name!) is an 1980s project, it uses the IAR-330 Puma's engines and drive train but it has a new fuselage. It is not...
Originally designed by John Britten as long ago as 1977, construction of one prototype commenced but was abandoned at some stage in late 1982 or early 1983.
The comment in Flight in 1980 about labour costs being projected as the major component of the planned £35,000 price explains the...
ICAR Întreprinderea de Constructii Aeronautice Românesti (Romanian Aeronautical Engineering Enterprise), Bucharest, 1932-1951. Below is a rough ICAR production type list.
The ICAR-1 (or ICAR-I) for licence-built Grünau-9 gliders suggests an attempt at a rational designation system by ICAR. Has...
I know it is very difficult to know all of this company aircraft,but I hope to
get them all,who can help ?.
Of course we know all of those aircraft; IAR-11,12,13,14,15,16,21,22,23
24,27,36,37,38,39,46,47,79,80 and 81.
Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article describing the BAC X-Eleven "project" for a (then) new technology short-medium range jet airliner with CFM-56 engines. This "project" has a wider fuselage cross-section than the standard BAC 1-11. I believe this was the final attempt to make a stand-alone...
airborne early warning
british aircraft corporation
cfm international
civil aviation
cold war
great britain
întreprinderea de avioane bucurești
japan air self-defense force
japan maritime self-defense force
maritime patrol aircraft
royal air force
air combat interceptors
armata republicii socialiste românia
battlefield air defence
battlefield air interdiction
close air support
cold war
comandamentul apararii antiaeriene a teritoriului
forțele aeriene
marina (socialistrepublicofromania)
romanian air force
romanian navy
warsaw pact
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