
  1. J

    Gelled fuels: Luminal-A, Alumizin, etc

    Michel Van: "One Moment Luminal-A ? was Glusko also in Alumizine propellant ?!" Right, luminal-a is soviet analog of american alumizine. Some theoretical works was conducted at OKB-456 (chief designer V. P. Glushko; today NPO "Energomash"), then conducted some static fire tests. OKB-456 has...
  2. uk 75

    France's Ultimate Warning

    From the 70s to the end of the Cold War France deployed its own tracked vehicle launched battlefield nuclear missile, Pluton. A truck and trailer mounted replacement Hades was entering service as the Cold War ended. In peacetime Pluton and its warheads were stationed in France. However, once a...
  3. Forest Green

    Land-based M5 - French S3 missile replacement

    It is mentioned here: Any more information anywhere?
  4. F

    About the Trident II nuclear package

    Quick question: How many W88/Mk5 warheads can actually carry the UGM-133? In the wikipedia we have 8, but I keep finding sources showing/saying 6 warheads?
  5. sferrin

    South Korean ballistic missiles ...

    View: Amazing how fast South Korea is moving to offset NK threats.
  6. P


    From wiki Common Missile was an intercontinental ballistic missile project, developed to satisfy U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force operational system requirements for both SLBM and silo-launched ICBM, defined in the 1978 commonality study. Description...
  7. covert_shores

    SNLE-3G - next gen French SSBN program Expected into service in ~2032. 16 SLBMs, 14,500 tons surfaced.
  8. Grey Havoc

    Successor/Dreadnought Class SSBN

    BAE gets funds to start building new submarines (, registration may be required.)
  9. sferrin

    Poseidon and Polaris SLBM

    11:20 is the best shot of Polaris from Observation Island I've ever seen.
  10. XP67_Moonbat

    Unknown Polaris Missile Variant

    I was just curious as to what version of Polaris this is. Both articles featuring these pics say they're early Polaris tests. But I've never seen a Polaris like that before.
  11. Michel Van

    Lockheed Polaris Missile 1958 Wind Tunnel Tests

    holy glory at youtube Lockheed Polaris Missile Wind Tunnel Tests in 1958 at NACA Langley Research Center's Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel the Video show a fist the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel and good look how they work. the Polaris Wind tunnel model got one surprise: fins ...
  12. bobbymike

    Current Nuclear Weapons Development

    More Than 23,000 Nukes Found in 14 Nations, Report Says Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2009 There are an estimated 23,360 nuclear weapons stockpiled in 14 nations, with the great majority held by Russia and the United States, two nonproliferation experts said in a report issued this week (see GSN, Oct...
  13. Triton

    NATO Multilateral Force (MLF) Polaris ships and submarines

    In the early 1960s, the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations offered the European NATO partners participation in a Multilateral Force (MLF) of Polaris-armed warships that would include surface ships, including disguised merchant vesels, and submarines. The proposal was inspired by the...
  14. Skybolt

    A peek on future american SLBMs and ICBMs

    A couple of interesting documents emerged recently on DTIC regarding some hints of what near future long range US ballistic missile could look like. Dates are late 90's ealrly 2000's. Here: non-nuclear, manouvering SLBM warhead...
  15. uk 75

    Some info on the RN fifth Polaris sub and later Poseidon option

    A recent book releasing British nuclear discussions by Peter Hennessy throws some clear answers to often asked questions: Why did the RN not get the fifth Polaris boat? After much discussion the new Labour Government in 1964 decided that the Polaris fleet was too worthwhile to cancel. Two...
  16. archipeppe

    Italian SLBM ALFA Missile

    Dear All, did you have any useful information about the Italian SLBM Alfa missile? It was developed during '60s, when Italy had some nuclear ambition (see nuclare submarine project named "Guglielmo Marconi", or the logistic ship named "Enrico Fermi") and was designed and produced by SNIA BPD...
  17. P

    The RN, Polaris, Chevaline and Poseidon

    Anyone have any estimates on what moving to Poseidon would have cost compared to developing Chevaline and continuing to support Polaris by ourselves?
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