Sad to hear Cdr N D 'Sharkey' Ward DSC, AFC has done one last transition.
Only met him once during a close session briefing in approx. 84. He owned the audience, we were just in awe, the energy in the room...
Does anyone have any clear overall photos or drawings of the deck markings worn by the Vikrant in the 80s ? When it operated both the Sea Harrier STOVL and the Alizé CATOBAR.
At that time she had markings for the Shar similar to those on the Hermes or Illustrious and markings for the Alizés...
What would have been the impact on the dogfights FAA vs Sea Harriers FRS.1 if Argentina had disposed MiG-21MF/bis & MiG-23MS/MF with R-13M/R-60 during the air war over Falklands.
Shar vs MiG-21/
Shar vs MiG-23/
And also with other fighters.
The purpose of this thread is not to engage in...
argentine republic
armada de la república argentina
cold war
comando de la aviación naval argentina
falklands conflict
falklands war
fuerza aérea argentina
operation rosario
This is a rough TL sketch.
POD is October 20, 1971.
That day, off Marseille, the Foch is flight testing Jaguar M05, that is: the navalized fifth prototype. As the aircraft is returned to the hangar for maintenance, one mechanic raise alarm...
alternate history
cold war
fleet air arm
french fifth republic
great britain
harrier carrier
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
marine nationale
royal navy
vstol carriers
aerospace industry
air force cross (great britain)
british aerospace plc
central flying school
great britain
hawker aircraft limited
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
jet age
most excellent order of the british empire
royal air force
royal aircraft establishment
space age
test pilots
v/stol aircraft
Image of the Vickers proposal for a modified Invincible Class ship to replace HMAS Melbourne. The enlarged hangar and removal of Sea Dart are of note. Also Invincible image for comparison.
Found at:
anti-air warfare
anti-submarine warfare
area air defence
british commonwealth
british shipbuilders
cold war
commonwealth of australia
early 1980s
falklands conflict
falklands war
great britain
harrier carrier
imperial iranian navy
mcdonnell douglas
royal australian navy
royal navy
through-deck cruiser
vstol carriers
CAA might be against it, but please let them know if you are for it and sign the petition.
Let us consider the following. Suppose that CVA-01 and her two sisters are built as originally planned*, entering service in, say, '72, '75 and '78 respectively. The CAG would have been, iirc, 36 jets, 18 Phantoms and 18 Buccaneers on each ship. Given that the FAA replaced these aircraft with...
Think Defence have posted a couple of interesting articles lately, with great pictures, on the more unusual bases used for Harriers in the Falklands.
cold war
falklands conflict
falklands war
fleet air arm
fuerza aérea argentina
great britain
royal air force
royal navy
v/stol aircraft
The next PTP I am writing, on Harrier Projects, is about 50% written.
It will feature some things already known about, but tell their full story, such as:
as well as revealing wholly new stories, such as the full saga of the Harrier III, the proposed Sea Harrier FRS.3 and some weird and...
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
north atlantic treaty organisation
nuclear battlefield
royal air force
royal navy
united states
united states marine corps
united states navy
v/stol aircraft
I’m particularly interested in the navigation and attack capabilities of the early Harriers, in particular Falklands era. However research on the net has only led to a partial understanding of this subject. It’s the same story with published works.
I’m aware that some members of the forum are...
aircraft carrier
amphibious warfare vessel
anti-submarine warfare
area air defence
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
helicopter carrier
imperial iranian navy
post-cold war
royal navy
through-deck command cruiser
through-deck cruiser
vstol carriers
FYI some links to images of the Indian Limited Upgrade Sea Harrier (LUSH).
Images with outboard missile rails with one Magic and one Israeli Derby Missile, taken on board INS Viraat (ex-Hermes):
During the development of the Invincible a 12 500 t helicopter cruiser was planed as an alternative to the later build ships does somebody has more data or drawings on ship ships ?
Edit: looks like this topic was already...
anti-submarine warfare
anti-surface warfare
cold war
great britain
helicopter cruiser
royal navy
through-deck command cruiser
through-deck cruiser
vstol carriers
In Rebuilding the RN Brown notes 'In 1967 consideration was given to a stretched Type 82 to replace the Tiger class as helicopter ships' (DEFE 16/617 (PRO))
Were any drawings made?
anti-submarine warfare
atomic ships
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
guided missile aviation cruiser
harrier carrier
late 1960s
nuclear battlefield
nuclear powered vessels
royal navy
vstol carriers
A few years ago I recall seeing a picture of a Sea Harrier with a WE.177 nuclear weapon in a book. I think it was:
Keeping the Peace - The Aldermaston Story by David J Hawkings
Can anyone confirm this? I'd like to trace the pic.
As I understand it they would have used the WE.177 both for...
Over the years the STOVL ability of the Harrier has led to various proposals for ships for it to operate from.
First was the VT Harrier Carrier concept of the mid-1970s. 8,000 tons, c. 400ft length at WL, 420 ft flight deck with ski-jump.
Electric propulsion powered by 9x5000 hp gas turbine...
british aerospace plc
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
harrier carrier
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
helicopter carrier
japan maritime self-defense force
post-cold war
royal navy
united states marine corps
united states navy
vosper thornycroft
vstol carriers
west germany
british aerospace plc
cold war
fleet air arm
great britain
hawker siddeley aviation ltd
mcdonnell douglas
nuclear battlefield
post-cold war
royal air force
royal navy
united kingdom
united states
united states marine corps
united states navy
v/stol aircraft
vstol carriers
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