science fact

  1. Grey Havoc

    The general Cyberpunk thread

    Given the distinct trend that real world events have taken lately, I thought it was long since time for a dedicated cyberpunk thread. For both real world examples as well as the fictional (e.g. universes such as The Sprawl [Neuromancer], Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, etc.). I'll start off things...
  2. Michel Van

    Optical Stealth Possible?

    you know it from TV in Star Trek, the Klingons and Romulan use Cloaking device or in Anime Full Metall Panic, have Invisible Helicopter. only Sci Fi ? NO ! in 2006 David Schurig and his colleagues at Duke University in Durham, imagined the first and most primitive Cloaking device . It...
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