astrazeneca vaccine
crisis management
early 2020s
european union
kingdom of the netherlands
north atlantic treaty organisation
royalmarinesroyal navy
special boat service
special operations
united kingdom
wuhan coronavirus
One of Harold Wilson's achievements as Prime Minister was to resist President Johnson's pressure for Britain to make some visible military contribution to the Vietnam War.
Wilson had only narrowly beaten a Conservative Government in 1964. The Conservatives may well have resisted Johnson too on...
alternate history
british army
cold war
democratic republic of vietnam
eastern bloc
fleet air arm
great britain
north vietnamese army
republic of vietnam
royal air force
royalmarinesroyal navy
united states
vietnam war
The Royal Marines appear to have become early adopters of the Daedalus flight pack.
View: https://mobile.twitter.com/AdmTonyRadakin/status/1388551547076894723
The usual crew of retired military and political types are warning that the UK is not able to meet its defence requirements with the present budget and kit.
Given the collective expertise on this board what advice would you give the Prime Minister who takes over in May after the election?
21st century
anti-submarine warfare
british army
cold war ii
fleet air arm
nuclear battlefield
royal air force
royalmarinesroyal navy
united kingdom
SARO projects for rescue lifeboat and Sea Raider commando attack gliders.
Descriptions and small 3-views from Tagg-Wheeler From Sea to Air;
larger drawings from Wheeler From River to Sea.
P.108 1949
Two versions of a glider, the hull of which detached to serve as a lifeboat. The Mk.II version...
air ministry
cold war
great britain
royal air force marine branch
royalmarinesroyal navy
Artist's impression of Vickers Armstrong VA-4.
115 ton concept hovercraft - intended to carry about 500 passengers or 140 passengers plus 28 cars at 65 kts. At the time seen as direct competition to the Saunders-Roe SR-N4 hovercraft.
An earlier thread by me on amphibious shipping got well and truly trashed into a discussion on the merits of the Scimitar! Never mind, here goes, this is purely for info.
I found a cutting from an old Maritime Naval mag in the 80s which showed a Swan Hunter design for a LPH looking like a...
I will try this thread and hope I do not unleash any speculative arguments about
whether these designs should have been built or not. My sole interest is in finding
out what they would have looked like based either on anyone's experience, sources
or shipbucket.
Escort Cruiser
In July 1962 the...
As is well known the Royal Navy built up a decent force of
new and converted amphibious ships in the 1960s based on the
converted carriers Bulwark and Albion, the two Fearless class LPDs
and the Sir Lancelot class LSTs.
Mention, however, is made in some sources of proposals to build
amphibious warfare vessel
cold war
commando carrier
great britain
helicopter carrier
north atlantic treaty organisation
royal fleet auxiliary
royalmarinesroyalmarines commandos
royal navy
united kingdom
In the 1960s the RN considered ordering up to six purpose built Commando/ASW carriers to replace the Albion and Bulwark conversions.
It is a pity that the RN's focus on trying to keep its fixed wing aircraft carriers stood in the way of this programme as a decent design emerging in the second...
amphibious warfare vessel
cold war
commando carrier
great britain
helicopter carrier
royalmarinesroyalmarines commandos
royal navy
united kingdom
vstol carriers
Hi Folks,
I am interested in information on the cancelled British CVA-01 carrier design. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
aircraft carrier
amphibious warfare vessel
anti-air warfare
anti-submarine warfare
area air defence
cold war
commando carrier
fleet air arm
great britain
guided missile aviation cruiser
helicopter carrier
late 1960s
north atlantic treaty organisation
royalmarinesroyalmarines commandos
royal navy
v/stol aircraft
vstol carriers
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