royal canadian air force

  1. E

    Hudson Mk.V Defensive Armaments

    Hello, recently I've come across a 1942 Data Sheet for the Lockheed Hudson Mk.V aircraft, and in this sheet it lists the aircraft having: * 2 x Fixed forward Firing .303s (500 rounds per gun) * 2 x .303s in Dorsal turret (2000 rounds per gun) * 1 x .303 in a ventral Position (1000 rounds per...
  2. Y

    CH-113 Labrador helicopter HF set question

    I'd like to ask for help in identification of the High Frequency (HF) radio set from ca. 1963 used on the Canadian CH-113 Labrador helicopter (a version of the CH-46 Sea Knight). The control unit of the HF set is visible on the image below under #8. Notably it has separate controls for the...
  3. hesham

    Canadian Navigation Trainer Competition for RCAF

    From Canadian Aircraft Since 1909, RCAF announced for a Navigation Trainer contest in 1944/45,and the tenders were; 1- Fairchild Canada F-8 2- Noorduyn design 3- Victory,may be Model-10 ? 4- Fleet Aircraft,may be Model-70 ? 5- Canadian Car & Foundry design
  4. hesham

    Victory Aircraft Ltd. Projects

    Hi, this Canadian company was formed in 1942,produced from Model 1 to 5 aircraft as in the text,and here is a two little known Projects,Model 7 & 9. Canadian Aircraft Since 1909
  5. Apophenia

    Canadian AN/xxx-5xx Equipment Designations (Aircraft-Related)

    Aircraft-Related Canadian 500-Series 'AN' Equipment Designations I've decided to post my compilation of Canadian numbers from the Army/Navy - and, later, Joint Electronics Type Designation Systems. I am not trying to list all equipment used by the RCAF, RCN, or Canadian Forces. Rather, I have...
  6. T

    Canadian Space Division (Force)

    Canada will have its own Space force in 2022:
  7. helmutkohl

    Sikorsky CH-148 Thread

    Didn't really see a thread on this so here we go! I guess its not so popular because only Canada operates it.. but why they chose this instead of more Merlins is beyond me... 82% grounded due to cracks :eek...
  8. T

    Alpha Jet

    While some weird dudes are celebrating the epitomized image of an autocrat*, the french AdlAE discretely commemorates one of its hero pilot (Poet and novelist), Mr Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Free French air Force pilot, Croix de Guerre with palms, MIA, with the birth of its most famous...
  9. F

    A rare bird from Gravenhurst, Ontario

    Even though the elementary flying training schools of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) flew Fleet Finches and de Havilland Tiger Moths for a good part of the Second World War, the RCAF realised even before the end of 1940 that these biplanes no longer had much in common with the combat...
  10. Jason Dykstra (Wyvern)

    RCAF Airbus CC-150 Polaris Replacement Program

    In January of 2021, the RCAF issued an ITQ to replace their 40 year old CC-150 Polaris tanker aircraft. The requirement states that their replacement must be operated by a fellow NATO nation, thus narrowing the tender to the KC-46 and A330 MRTT. The A310s were originally purchased by Wardair...
  11. A

    RCA Astra-1 - the (mostly unknown) CF-105 Arrow radar

    I checked, no thread for this one. It was developed by RCA between early 1956 and september 1958 when it was canned. Before and after these dates, ( sigh...) the prefered option was the MX-1179 / MA-1. While the Sparrow II missile is well known, Astra 1 remains kind of mystery. It has been...
  12. uk 75

    Canada buys the A-4 Skyhawk

    Did Canada ever consider the A4 Skyhawk for its carrier aviation and Norway reinforcement role (instead of F5)? Would have been able to operate with USN/USMC.
  13. sferrin


    Is there a SAM today that can kill a target at 446 miles and over 100,000 feet? (It's a rhetorical question. There isn't.)
  14. R

    What if all three Canadian Services bought Sikorsky S-61 in 1963?

    OTL in 1963, the Royal Canadian Navy received their first Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King Helicopters. They flew from Canadian ships for more than 50 years. I greased and refuelled Sea Kings on the flight decks of HMCS Athabaskan and HMCS Iroquois. I also washed innumerable GE-T58-8F engines...
  15. uk 75

    The Hound Dog for NATO

    This one is not really feasible but it does produce some interesting models or artwork. The USAF had its Hound Dogs in service from the Cuban Missile Crisis well into the 70s. If politics and other considerations had not got in the way, permutations of NATO Hound might have served on the...
  16. RavenOne

    Canadian American Strategic CASR website now gone - nice ideas and concepts

    Re my MapleHawk enquiry, there was a website up till last year called CASR - Canadian American strategic think tank and it listed current and potential DnD RCAF. Canadian Army and Navy equipment. Couple of ideas came out such as debating what the Canadian Coast Guard were going to pic re the...
  17. B

    Eric "Winkle" Brown passes away

    True hero sadly departs.
  18. hesham

    Canadair CL-41 Projects

    Hi, is there any unbuilt projects for Canadair CL-41 ?.
  19. Apophenia

    Late '50s Avro Canada Projects

    A pair of unbuilt Avro Canada projects from Canadian Aircraft Since 1909 by K.M. Molson (ISBN: 0370300955). First, a 1955 design for a four-engined bizjet with CF-100 overtones. [Edit: presumably the "Small High-Speed Jet Transport" mentioned in Jim Floyd's summary of Avro Canada feasibilty...
  20. J

    Fairey Battle and her modifications

    Aircraft illustrated August 1974
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