
  1. Grey Havoc

    Valery Polyakov RIP (20th September, 2022)

    Thought there was a thread on this already, my apologies for the belated post.
  2. Flyaway

    ISS Saga

    Probably best I post this here considering the contentious nature of the whole thing if you pardon the pun. View: View...
  3. Grey Havoc

    International Lunar Research Station (Sino-Russian project)
  4. QuadroFX

    Russian nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon"

    Nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon" / "Нуклон" / "Nucleon" also known as TEM / ТЭМ ( Transport and Energy Module ) / Транспортно-Энергетический Модуль / Transportno-Energeticheskiy Modul' The assembly process has started! :cool...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Cornavirus precautions in effect at Star City
  6. panzerfeist1

    Interplanetary Travel Besides the Moon Projects

    Roscosmos sets task of drafting Venus exploration program "KHIMKI, January 31. /TASS/. Roscosmos has set a task of drafting a Venus exploration program similar in scale to Russia’s lunar program. The new program will incorporate the project Venera-D, the leading designer of the...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Russian Space Program
  8. N

    Space Station (R)alpha

    Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and I want to ask if my fellow members would be willing to post any documents, diagrams, concept art, etc. they may possess describing proposed configurations of the ISS when it was called "Space Station Alpha" back in 1993-4. I am seeking material depicting...
  9. Flyaway

    The return of Lunar Soyuz?

    A possible return to its Lunar roots for the venerable Soyuz spacecraft. Russia's Soyuz Spacecraft Could Find New Life as a Lunar Taxi
  10. magnus_z

    Manned spacecraft (Russia 2018)

    12:38 05/04/2018 Roscosmos has developed a manned...
  11. Flyaway

    ROSCOSMOS And CNCA. Joint Exploration Of The Moon
  12. Flyaway

    The second launch from Russia’s new spaceport has failed You can find more detail on the flight including the payloads aboard on the link below.
  13. Michel Van

    Angara 5 test launch

    finally success for Russian with Angara 5 after Proton disasters i start to love this rocket View: View: View:
  14. Grey Havoc

    Russian next generation space station?

    Via Slashdot: ORIGINAL CAPTION: A model of the long considered space station hanging at a Moscow exhibition on space exploration in 2009. IMAGE CREDIT: Andrei Makhonin /...
  15. Michel Van

    Interplanetary Expeditionary Complex, MEK

    on this year The 2009 Moscow Aviation and Space Show they presents the Interplanetary Expeditionary Complex (MEK) is a plant for manned programs next 30 years (2010 to 2040 ) a major role plays new Generation manned spacecraft PTK NT better know in English as "Prospective Piloted Transport...
  16. flateric

    Latest Angara family iterations at MAKS 2007

    If anyone interested, will post more pics. Angara 3 and Angara 5P (first and third from the left) are intended for launch of Krunichev's TKS-derived manned spacecraft
  17. flateric

    Khrunichev's concept of manned space exploration

    Should we call it Orionsky... From left to right - basic modification of TKS-based reusable manned spacecraft (ok, TKS on steroids) for Angara-A3 (Angara-5P) (six crew) - long-endurance (up to 30 days) modification of the first one with 3 crew - space station module More information at Vadim...
  18. hesham


    Hi, The Russian Federal Space Agency (FSA) is developing the Kliper,a reusable manned spacecraft.
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