rockwell international

  1. novum

    Was the Belgian UFO a Rockwell nuclear powered flying wing design?

    In "Innovative Strategic Aircraft Design Study (ISADS)", June 1978, ( the following nuclear powered aircraft design is being discussed: Strangely, the same signature was found with the flying triangle that was seen by many witnesses in the...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer / Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE / NEOWISE) Incidentally, there is a comet named in honor of it:
  3. uk 75

    Hound Dogs and BUFFs

    I used to nurse the fond belief that only the B52G and H versions carried Hound Dog missiles and that they were only loaded in the "silver era". Thanks to the Internet it turned out that the Dog served well into the 70s and so was carried by SIOP scheme B52s. An example is shown here...
  4. AN/AWW-14(V)

    Boeing AGM-130 air-to-ground guided missile

    disposal AGM-130s by USAF personnel, circa 2012 More:
  5. Graham1973

    Rocketdyne (Rockwell) - Linear Aerospike Test Beds (1970 - 1973)

    A two stage program to test the linear aerospike concept, the first test bed proved the basic concept, the second test bed explored the use of thrust vectoring. Linear test bed. Volume 1: Test bed no. 1. (Aerospike test bed with segmented combustor)...
  6. J

    Ultimate Sabreliner

    I found this quote in another topic: "What about the disgraceful O-47? The inelegant Sabreliner?" Perhaps as a answer to the second part of that question I will present the following image and also ask if this is the NA-465, "Sabreliner 65", that hesham mentioned more than seven years ago...
  7. hesham

    Rockwell SSBJ Aircraft of 1981 (MMIPS)

    Hi, here is the North American/Rockwell MMIPS,a Multimode Integrated Propulsion System, fitted with a small Mach 2.7 SSBJ aircraft.
  8. Graham1973

    Rocketdyne (Rockwell) - 250-500k Aerospike Engine

    Just uploaded to the NTRS, a rather interesting study from the late 1960's The Aerospike Engine. Concept, Performance, Design & Operational Data. Liquid Hydrogen Propellants 250-500 KBLF Thrust Class
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Rockwell NA-420, NA-430 and NA-431 (US Navy "Type A" proposals)

    Rockwell NA 430 VSTOL Multi Mission Aircraft Design definition study of NASA/Navy lift/cruise fan V/STOL aircraft. Volume 1: Summary report of Navy multimission aircraft Cavage, R. L. (Rockwell International) NASA-CR-137695
  10. Triton

    Rockwell Low Cost Fighter

    Model of Rockwell Low Cost Fighter found on eBay. URL: Seller's description:
  11. hesham

    Rockwell unknown VSTOL transport aircraft of 1977

    Hi, I displayed this aircraft before,but I can't identify it,who can ?. Low speed aerodynamic characteristics of a vectored thrust V/STOL transport with two lift/cruise fans Renselaer, D. J NASA-CR-152029 [Admin - updated link and added report details]
  12. flateric

    Rockwell International hypersonic research vehicle (HRV) - 1993

    Seems to be Rockwell International's very own HALO study. Interesting how vehicle shape would be close to factual RI X-30 NASP proposal. "...a concept for a hypersonic research vehicle using waveriding aerodynamics. Both hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels are considered. Tradeoffs are made on...
  13. S

    MBDA' Brimstone

    Looks like the UK could be getting a dual mode Brimstone ASM We might actually field a new weapon capability before the USA!!! :eek: ;D
  14. overscan (PaulMM)

    NA/Rockwell 70's Stealth: Flying Banana, Silent Attack & Surprise Fighter

    A project I've never heard of until today, looking through the Rockwell bomber study PDF here: Concept 4-1 uses stealth technologies developed under Rockwell's Surprise Fighter program. Radar tests of a model of...
  15. flateric


    [1986]...mission analysis that was conducted by a large number of Air Force and industry organizations. The purpose was to formulate and understand the alternatives for future strategic aeronautical weapon systems and identify promising system concepts to follow those currently in the inventory...
  16. K

    Rockwell NR-356 Sea Control Ship (SCS) V/STOL fighter (XFV-12A)

    The Rockwell XFV-12 was a prototype supersonic United States Navy fighter which combined the Mach 2 speed and AIM-7 Sparrow armament of the F-4 Phantom II in a VTOL fighter for the small Sea Control Ship which was under study at the time. On paper, it looked superior to the subsonic Hawker...
  17. flateric

    North American Rockwell / Boeing B-1 Lancer

    If someone happy to have hi-res version of these North American Rockwell PR drawings (NA-73-400, Rev 9-83), I would be very obliged for sharing them with me. Thank you.
  18. hesham

    Rockwell / MBB X-31 Design Evolution

    My dears, do you know Rockwell SNAKE project? [Removed picture - better copy below - Admin]
  19. Sundog

    Rockwell Scissor Wing

    This appears to be a fighter/Demonstrator version of their scissor wing technology from the '70s. You can see the bomber concepts in the thread link below the patent link USPAT4998689 Boeing Bombers with some pics of the Rockwell scissor wing bomber concept.
  20. overscan (PaulMM)

    AMSA Program & B-1 Bomber projects

    AMSA was said to stand for "America's Most Studied Aircraft" due to the length of time it took to get to flying hardware. Flying Review International, July 1970 I'm sure I've seen a Lockheed AMSA design, and Doug Richardson's B-1 book has 3 AMSA designs that may be the Rockwell evolution, but...
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