
  1. PretzelDarter

    Tiny Tim Rocket Zero-Length Launch Rack

    Hello, Described in both Naval Fighters #75: Grumman F7F Tigercat and F7F Tigercat in Action is a zero-length launch rack for launching the 11.75" Tiny Tim rocket without need for a drop beforehand, developed at NOTS China Lake and intended for the F7F. Evidently it seems it's only for the...
  2. E

    Isar Aerospace completes testing of first Spectrum rocket
  3. S

    German WW1 "Le Prieur" clones

    Hello, Recently I got a hold of Weird Wings of WW1 and in it there's mentions of German copies of the Le Prieur rocket system being tested at Doberitz, I tried looking more into this but I couldn't find anything. Anyone has any more input? Pictures of the system being mounted on Halberstadt...
  4. T

    Project Verticon

    Hi, from the CIA archive (link) a detailed report about the Verticon project, a photo recce payload to be used with Aerobee rockets.
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