revolution in military affairs

  1. Grey Havoc

    Donald Rumsfeld dead
  2. Triton

    Littoral Combat Ship - Freedom/Independence

    Is the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) dead after Lockheed-Martin's USS Freedom (LCS-1) and General Dynamics/Austal USS Independence (LCS-2). The last I heard the US Navy was going to re-open bidding. Has the Navy decided to not resurrect this program or has it just not gotten around to sending its...
  3. R

    FCS - Future Combat Systems - Evolution

    Hola!!! I'm interested in information on the evolution of the FCS. These are two models I made from depictions taken out of ARMOR MAGAZINE in 1997. The model is a concept contest winner apparently designed by Dr. Asher Sharoni, from Western Design Howden (WDH) Thanks, Rafa
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