republic aviation corporation

  1. P

    Republic XP-72

    I don't know if this is common knowledge, and if it is I apologize! I've just finished readying the wonderful book - World's Fastest Four-Engine Piston-Powered Aircraft: Story of the Republic XR-12 Rainbow, by Mike Machat. I found an interesting abstract in the book pertaining to: "Minus its...
  2. M

    Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor variants

    Thanks guys - just got lucky in receiving these. That wav file made the dogs in the neighborhood howl in pain ;D How about the XF-91 this time... Enjoy the Day! Mark
  3. Orionblamblam

    Alternatives to the NAA X-15

    The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything. BLATANT COMMERCIALISM WARNING.... Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
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