reich ministry of armaments and war production

  1. J

    Henschel Zitterrochen

    Henschel Zitterrochen The Messerschmitt P 1111 (January 15,1945 jet fighter project) was fast, climbed very fast and high, manoeuvred exceedingly well at low speed, had enough room to transport a lot of fuel and armament, could be built in wood and was surprisingly small and nice to look at...
  2. Avimimus

    Critique of 1945 German aircraft designs - where were the mistakes?

    I heard rumour that TsAGI analysis found that the Ta-183 Design II would have shed its tail (although the IAe 33 Pulqui II seems to have eventually managed to make a somewhat similar t-tail work). What other issues did late war WWII designs have? Ju EF 128 intakes might have had a lot of duct...
  3. J

    Messerschmitt Jet Fighters

    CONTENTS Compressibility buffeting The research sites of the Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Me 262 Interzeptor Messerschmitt Me 262 Heimatschützer BMW 109-003 R (TLR) rocket/turbojet BMW 109-718 rocket Rocket propellants composition Messerschmitt Me 262 Hochgeschwindigkeits Rennkabine...
  4. J

    Stealth Warplanes of the Luftwaffe-Prototypes and Projects 1936-1946-War Secrets-Volume Four

    STEALTH WARPLANES OF THE LUFTWAFFE Prototypes and projects 1936-1946 War Secrets-Volume Four Contents The race for invisibility Transparent wings Zebra effect Vorticist School Lozenge-Tarnung Akinetopsia Yehudi Infra-red Turbinlite Spanner Anlage I Spanner Anlage II Spanner...
  5. newsdeskdan

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp

    Messerschmitt Me 262 Development & Politics by Dan Sharp There are many myths surrounding the development of the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. Its unparalleled performance is beyond doubt; easily able to outpace its opponents and possessing the firepower to shred them in seconds. Yet...
  6. A

    21cm Maikäfer Flakrakete 42

    The 21cm Maikäfer Flakrakete 42 program stemmed from a Hitler directive in August 1943 to develop an anti-bomber Flak weapon based on the existing 21cm Nebelwerfer artillery rocket according to Gen.der Flak a.D. von Renz’s “Development of German Anti-aircraft Weapons and Equipment of All Types...
  7. W

    Heinkel P1078c

    Hello everyone, In the Dan Sharp magazine on 'Luftwaffe, secret jets of the third reich' there is a picture of the original drawing of the Heinkel 1078 entry for the report compiled in advance of the 1-TL Jager meeting of february 27-28, 1945. I bought a copy of the magazine. Really nice. Just...
  8. J

    Junkers EF-130 speculative drawings

    - Junkers / DFS EF-130 A four engine heavy bomber of ‘Uralbomber’ class designed in the autumn of 1944 to compete against the Arado E-555, the BMW ‘Strahlbomber Projekt II’, the Horten Projekt 18 (23/2/1945) and the Messerschmitt P.1108. It had a pressurised cockpit for a crew of three...
  9. mackeebryanee13

    Bigger 10.5cm Panzerschreck “Panzertod” Jawohl

  10. Jemiba

    Henschel Hs 293 developments and projects

    The development of the Hs 293 is covered, too, in "Die Geschichte der Henschel-Flugzeugwerke AG 1933 - 45" by Horst Materna. A series of enlarged versions of the Hs 293A was the Hs 293C, for which different guiding systems were proposed. The C-4 was a pre-version of the later Hs 294 glide...
  11. Jemiba

    Daimler Benz Aircraft Engines 1935 - 1945

    From "Der Flieger", August 1962, maybe interesting for one or two, as one-offs and projects are mentioned, too.
  12. Flitzer

    Hütter Hü 211 - Heinkel He 219 on steroids

    Any pics of the Hu211? Are the wings typical Hutter with a very wide span? I might just try a profile having been prompted by Carlos. :) Many thanks Peter
  13. T

    Heinkel long distance jet bomber of 1945

    In 1945 Heinkel began development of a bomber which was propelled by four jet engines. This bomber has the layout of the later Victor bomber used by the RAF, a delta wing with a T shaped tail. This bomber was capable to reach long distance targets I believe even targets into the US. I'm...
  14. luedo34

    Pictures of the German Rheinbote missile

    Dear forum members, does anyone have any decent fotos or drawings of the Rheinbote missile? It would be great if somebody of you could help me out. Thanks a lot! luedo34
  15. A

    Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH.

    hi all
  16. robunos

    Entwicklungsfahrzeug series

    "The Entwicklungsfahrzeug series program was conceived by Oberbaurat Kniepkamp in May 1942 and authorized as a project in April 1943..." I'm looking for more information on this series of experimental/developmental panzers. There was to have been the E-10, primarily a test-bed, but to be...
  17. zerstorer1946

    German Attack helicopter WW2

    Hi, you guys may want to throw eggs at me for this one!. I am aware of the many german helicopter projects that went on during the years of the third reich..but a friend of mine insists there was an "attack helicopter" designed near the closing stages of the war- not like a...
  18. Grzesio

    Panzerblitz and Panzerschreck puzzle

    Germans fielded a number of airborne AT rockets in the winter of 1944/45. There were Panzerschreck 1 and 2 and Panzerblitz 1 and 2, while Panzerblitz 3 and 4 were in development. Sadly, there's an incredible mess in available books as far as details of these rockets are concerned - e.g. I...
  19. W

    German high-powered piston engined fighters

    Hi lads, I wonder if you could shed some light on this ones. Any hints? Enjoy. The first picture was sent to me by Justo some time ago. The second one is taken from Manfred Griehl`s "Deutsche Flugzeugbawaffnung bis 1945", Motorbuch verlag, which I strongly recommend.
  20. M

    Heinkel He 177/277/274 Variants and Projects's me again asking about Mistel combinations..sorry for being a pain..:-) In the book " Mistel - German Composite Aircraft and Operations 1942-1945", by R. Forsyth, published by Classic Publications, on page 194 , there is a comment about a mistel combination that involved a Fw 190...
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