red army

  1. M

    Kharkiv Design Bureau Turretless tank

  2. N

    T-10 tank variant?

    Does you guy have information about this turret is 8 yet?
  3. M

    T95 tank w. nuclear cannon

  4. axlzed3301

    Postwar Soviet Experimental Tanks

    On 20.5.1952, Ministry of Defense industry of USSR organized a meeting with tank constructors and with the marshal of tank forces, I.S.Bogdanov, to discuss the future of armored forces development. The result of this meeting was a set of tank requirements from 18.6.1952. The resulting tank was...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Most underrated Soviet Tank @The Tank Museum (Military History Visualized)

  6. Andrei_bt

    Т-64A and object 287, object 775 ERA, 1968 design

    The story of how in 1968 the universal dynamic protection for the Object 775 and T-64A tanks was developed and tested, surpassing all subsequent developments of the Research Institute of Steel - "Contact" and "Contact-5". This page of the history of tank building is not mentioned anywhere...
  7. S

    Tom Clancy’s Red Storm Rising animated chapters by FIXEDIT

    These are well worth a look. I wonder what FIXEDIT could do with a bigger budget! View: View: View: View:
  8. ArmchairSamurai

    Kazantsev ET-1-627

    Just found this, and thought I would share it: It seems to be a little-known Soviet equivalent to the German Goliath (and likewise French Kegress Machine).
  9. C

    T-74 instead of the T-80

    Who would it effect western tank design? Now for those that don't know heres a thread that tanks about the T-74 But he TLDR is that the T-74 was one of the contestants...
  10. klem

    Soviet experiments of various guided and unguided devices before 1945

    Since the end of the First World War, bold attempts were made in the Soviet Union in the field of rockets and various types of weapons, although timid, but existing and somewhat significant for the hard period that the Union was going through at that time, sometimes typically handcrafted and...
  11. shin_getter

    D-80 535mm artillery

    Russian wiki: Another Site...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Afghanistan withdrawal, Bagram Air Base
  13. Grey Havoc

    Red Atlas
  14. Grey Havoc

    75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
  15. E

    Soviet SMK-2 Heavy Tank

    Just perusing my photocopy of Zaloga's SOVIET TANKS AND COMBAT VEHICLES OF WORLD WAR II last night and saw something I'd missed before. There is mention of the SMK-2, a modification of the SMK heavy tank (developed concurrently with the T-100 heavy tank, only one prototype of each being...
  16. Graham1973

    "T-94" Soviet Tank

    I found this in a 1990s 'Yellow Peril (Japan)' techno-thriller called 'The War in 2020' (1991), the book ends with a note indicating that the writing of it was finished in April of 1990. It features this tank which I am guessing was based on the reports of these tanks in the west. Here are the...
  17. N

    Fliegerfaust for Mijaheddyn?

    Some time ago, it must have been in 2013-2014, I was able to see in a movie (maybe on YouTube) a guerrilla with the typical Chitral cap used by ethnic Afghans Pashtun, equipped with a weapon system that looked like a German Fliegerfaust / Luftfaust and the militian who used it pointed it...
  18. Andrei_bt

    Object 490 "Poplar" FMBT

    Future Soviet tank project “Object 490 Poplar” was under development by Eugenie Morozov's team from the end of 70-th up to the end of 80-s. The main features of the “Object 490” were: - crew consisting of two people - commander-gunner and driver. Reduce the crew to two people and place them in...
  19. Grey Havoc

    SOVIET NON-LINEAR COMBAT: THE CHALLENGE OF THE 90s US Army Soviet Army Studies Office, September 1990.
  20. Stargazer

    The extended family of the Mil Mi-8

    Here is a list of all known M-8 family designations from Catalogue of aeronautical products and systems (it has been translated, reorganized and reordered according to the sequence of the Western alphabet). I am pretty certain however that additions and corrections will inevitably happen! V-8...
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