
  1. Dronescapes

    Eugen Sänger and the Nazi space program (Documentary)

    Eugen Sänger and the Nazi space program
  2. Grey Havoc

    RAM-EP: ESA Air Breathing Ion Thruster (electrical ramjet)

    https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Engineering_Technology/World-first_firing_of_air-breathing_electric_thruster https://www.space.com/40056-air-breathing-electric-thruster-test.html https://newatlas.com/air-breathing-electric-thruster/53671/...
  3. flateric

    LASL ASPEN (Aerospace Plane With Nuclear Engines) SSTO (1961)

    ASPEN BACKGROUND In the 1950s and 1960s, many potential uses of nuclear power were explored, such as NTRs. An NTR uses a nuclear reactor to heat a working fluid, such as hydrogen, and exhaust this fluid in a nozzle for thrust. Many studies of this technology were conducted, and prototypes were...
  4. Michel Van

    1947 Nuclear Ramjet

    hell yeah, another Cool edition of eAPR is coming ;D already eAPR V2N1 had fantastic in deep look on Project Pluto ! V2N2 will have the North American 1947 study of a Nuclear Ramjet http://up-ship.com/blog/?p=1218 This 1947 Ramjet is a unique design of chemical-nuclear ICBM Scott can you...
  5. hesham

    Aerospatiale AGV - Avion à Grande Vitesse

    Hi, please see the Flightglobal; http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1987/1987%20-%200980.html
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