
  1. N

    Defunct site about Ferranti radars

    Greetings friends, Some time ago there was a site called apss.org.uk which contained information about the work a gentleman named Alex W. Duncan did whilst employed at Ferranti. It contained a fascinating essay titled "Ferranti and the Buccaneer S1 Delivery system". I have this essay saved on...
  2. U

    SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment), arsTECHNICA article, 1/4/2022, by Frank O'Brien

    Here's a somewhat thorough article about SAGE, the "Semi-Automatic Ground Environment" system co-ordinating air defense over North America from 1958, parts of it surviving operational up until the early 1980s...
  3. Combat-Master

    Turkey's F-16 'Project Liberty' (Özgür) modernisation

    In an exclusive interview the President of SSB Prof. Dr. Ismail Demir spoke to defensehere.com about "Project Liberty (Özgür)". Touching on the needs of the Turkish Air Force for aircrafts, Demir said the following: "Liberty is a project carried out independently of the USA. So, if we were...
  4. A

    RCA Astra-1 - the (mostly unknown) CF-105 Arrow radar

    I checked, no thread for this one. It was developed by RCA between early 1956 and september 1958 when it was canned. Before and after these dates, ( sigh...) the prefered option was the MX-1179 / MA-1. While the Sparrow II missile is well known, Astra 1 remains kind of mystery. It has been...
  5. K

    New Super Hornet UAP video from 2015

    "To The Stars" released a new ufo video, much more detailed. Could it be a test missile? Or drone? Does not appear to have a plume and does not lose any altitude. See for yourself. USA Today and others reporting. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxVRg7LLaQA
  6. Hood

    Marconi P111 Multi-Mode Radar

    Reading through the analysis section of 'Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, 1990-91', 2nd ed., I came across an interesting brief entry. "P111 - Coherent pulse multi-mode strike. AI and terrain following radar. Developed for classified project. - Marconi" Does anyone know any more...
  7. M

    Talos, the SPG-56 and the SPG-61

    Over the course of the life of the Talos system in the USN, the SPG-56 and SPG-61 Missile Fire Control radars were developed to replace the SPG-49 used to guide the Talos missile. Prototypes of each were built but these radars were never introduced into service. Either one would have, no doubt...
  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    Soviet Stealth: Research and Application

    TsNII claim to be the institute with "stealth" experience. They claim to have reduced the RCS of Tu-160, S-37, and Kh-101 by factors of 6, 10, and 14 from the original designs. Chelomei are supposed to have intended to use a Plasma Stealth generator called "Marabou" on their 3M25 Meteorit missile.
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