
  1. uk 75

    France's Ultimate Warning

    From the 70s to the end of the Cold War France deployed its own tracked vehicle launched battlefield nuclear missile, Pluton. A truck and trailer mounted replacement Hades was entering service as the Cold War ended. In peacetime Pluton and its warheads were stationed in France. However, once a...
  2. uk 75

    France's pivotal defence role

    While the size and importance of France's armed forces in 1914 and 1939 is well understood, their importance since 1945 does not seem to be appreciated. Until the creation of West Germany's Bundeswehr at the end of the 1950s it was France that bore the brunt of providing the largest West...
  3. S

    Hades IRBM (France)

    Would anyone possibly possess illustrations of the TEL for this missile, which was supposed to replace Pluton? Thanks.
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