pratt & whitney

  1. G

    Pratt & Whitney XA103

    P&W completed PDR for its NGAD engine candidate (paywalled):
  2. J

    CA-12 Boomerang Evolution

    In July 1940 the hounded British government warns the Australians of an imminent embargo of any aviation materials. On 10 December 1941 the capital ships of the Royal Navy H.M.S. Prince of Wales and H.M.S. Repulse are sunk by Japanese airplanes. On 21 December of the same month, the firm...
  3. K

    Pratt & Whitney J-91 vs General Electric J-93 GE-1, GE-3, and GE-5 Questions

    Normally, I would just look through my books but I don't have very much information about the J-91 other than it had a 9-stage compressor, a twin-stage turbine, a 7:1 pressure-ratio, a trans-sonic compressor, a 55-inch diameter, and that the J-58 was an 80% scaled down version with a higher...
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