polish people's republic

  1. Stargazer

    Polish IS- and SZD- glider/sailplane series (1947-present)

    Here is a recap of all IS- and SWD- designations. For each I have provided a link to a Polish page whenever possible (many other pages exist, notably Wikipedia). The IS- series stopped with IS-7, which became the SWD-7. Apparently the SWD-6X was previously designated IS-6X, but that designation...
  2. R

    Polish OT-64 SKOT with SPG-9 and 9M14

    Hi. Im looking for photos of Polish SKOT variants: SKOT 1A (SKOT S-260-1), with SPG-9 SKOT 2A (SKOT S-260-2A), with SPG-9 SKOT 2AM (SKOT S-260-2AM), with 2x 9M14
  3. R

    HM-45. Polish modernization of T-54, T-55

    HM-45 tank. It was a deep modernisation of the T-54 and T-55 tanks proposed by the Polish industry in the second half of the 1970s - comparable to the PT-91 (compared to the T-72) in terms of the scope of changes. It was abandoned by the Ministry of National Defence in favour of the USSR...
  4. A

    Polish Projects

    This thread is organized by ship type when information is available, and includes general plans when unavailable. It starts with Destroyer plans, moves to Battleship plans, then to Cruiser plans, and finally to Aircraft Carrier plans, followed by lists of various war demands and fleet building...
  5. J

    Tadeusz Soltyk

    Who has any materials information concerning Soltyk experimental/projects. From his LWD period: Szpak, Junak, , Zak, Zuch, Mis and Zuraw and later with the TS prefix: TS-7 Chwat, TS-15 Fregata, TS-17 Pelikan, TS-16 Grot and also other not mentioned experimental/projects. If you have any...
  6. R

    Polish projects since 1945

    Hello! I´ve reading in a polish website about some polish projects of different types of postwar aircrafts http://powiat.mielec.pl/poser/samoloty/index.htm But sadly the links to the illustrations are broken. Anybody know something more about it? There is two of them: Raravia
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