photographic reconnaissance

  1. Michel Van

    Keyhole satellite projects

    This here is overview of several projects for NRO Keyhole Spy Sats like DORIAN, SPARTAN, SAMOS or FULCRUM MOL aka KH-10 DORIAN KH-11 KENNEN The SPARTAN reconnaissance satellite program Proposal to use NRO camera on Apollo Mission Source material...
  2. T

    Project Verticon

    Hi, from the CIA archive (link) a detailed report about the Verticon project, a photo recce payload to be used with Aerobee rockets.
  3. Flyaway

    Public Release of SIGINT Phase II Records

    More on link below including the declassified documents themselves.
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Spyflights & Overflights : Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance

    Nice-looking new title from Crecy/Hikoki from RC-135-pilot-turned-historian Robert S Hopkins III. Spyflights & Overflights Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance RRP: £29.95 Few aviation subjects have been shrouded in more secrecy or been more controversial than cold war aerial reconnaissance. Former...
  5. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Secret Projects: Military Space Technology by Bill Rose

    I must preface this first look review by saying that, while I'm interested in space technology, its not my speciality, so I'm approaching this book from this angle. Bill Rose has put together a well written and nicely illustrated book on various military space projects. Its 192 pages long and...
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