
  1. Michel Van

    Keyhole satellite projects

    This here is overview of several projects for NRO Keyhole Spy Sats like DORIAN, SPARTAN, SAMOS or FULCRUM MOL aka KH-10 DORIAN KH-11 KENNEN The SPARTAN reconnaissance satellite program Proposal to use NRO camera on Apollo Mission Source material...
  2. T

    Project Verticon

    Hi, from the CIA archive (link) a detailed report about the Verticon project, a photo recce payload to be used with Aerobee rockets.
  3. overscan (PaulMM)

    Spyflights & Overflights : Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance

    Nice-looking new title from Crecy/Hikoki from RC-135-pilot-turned-historian Robert S Hopkins III. Spyflights & Overflights Cold War Aerial Reconnaissance RRP: £29.95 Few aviation subjects have been shrouded in more secrecy or been more controversial than cold war aerial reconnaissance. Former...
  4. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  5. P

    "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - Targets, Drones and UAVs (Air-Britain)

    . I don't know where this really belongs (if at all) anyway, out of interest, Air Britain have (?) released a new book on RAF unmanned aircraft / target drones / recon drones called "Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms" - I do NOT know if any projected models are included :-...
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