people's republic of china

  1. A

    Trip to China Aviation Museum

  2. Forest Green

    New China rules allow detention of foreigners in South China Sea

  3. Arjen

    GPS location and mapping errors compared to the real world

    Found on Anastasia Bizyayeva's More at the link.
  4. F.L.

    New Chinese drone carrier.

    It seems that China has built a drone carrier !
  5. C

    China's Project 891 aircraft carrier Model of concept
  6. Grey Havoc

    Zhaotou-class patrol cutter Note that the designation of the second ship in the class (nicknamed the 'Monster' by those who have had the misfortune of encountering it) class seems to have recently changed from CCG 3901 to CCG 5901...
  7. Deino

    New Chinese Heavy Attack Helicopter

    If legit - and at least by now it seems, it is - another surprise!Huitong has updated his Blog and again if this image is real, then this is maybe the new heavy attack helicopter Z-XX; he mentions Z-21 (?).However it looks more based on the Z-20 and very much like an AH-64 than promised by some...
  8. F.L.

    Chinese Nanchang J-12 light fighter

    How about a thread on the J-12 ? I noticed that there was none ! It is a jet that I like and I will try to collect in this thread some interesting things about it.
  9. Forest Green

    Chinese FH-97A loyal wingman autonomous drone
  10. overscan (PaulMM)

    Zhuhai 2022 Airshow News

    Interesting 2D vector nozzle with stealth shaping. View: Replies to the tweet say its for WS-19 engine on the J-35.
  11. shin_getter

    Chinese "Ace Combat" Lookalike

    So what is this?
  12. shin_getter

    Next Generation Chinese MBT Project:

    NORINCO where photographic evidence is provided View: 2 Men crew layout is the most interesting part. Some additional info
  13. Hood

    Chinese Type 343M Corvette

    In 1990 Racal Marine teamed up with the China Shipbuilding Trading Company to offer a modernised Type 037 Hainan-class hull as a corvette with Racal radars (obviously!), European guns and A/S torpedoes and Chinese C-801 SSMs. There were no takers.
  14. Flyaway

    UK to change law to stop RAF pilots training Chinese military, says minister

    I was pretty amazed when I first read this story that this was occurring.
  15. Grey Havoc

    China ‘began stockpiling PPE months before notifying the world about Covid outbreak’ (The Daily Telegraph)
  16. Grey Havoc

    China upgrades its Great Firewall

    Via Slashdot:
  17. GTX

    Chinese Airship

    Not a journalist I place a lot of credence with so take with pinch of salt: Satellite photos reveal colossal airship hangar in Chinese desert Keen to know if other sources on this.
  18. Grey Havoc

    PLAN Extra-Large Uncrewed Underwater Vehicle (XLUUV) program
  19. T

    Would Be Logically Feasible & Worthy for Sino-Iranian Industrial Military Espionage Of NATO-EU & Aligned countries ?

    Let's say that Iran and China want to upgrade their navy, army, air force and so on. How much would be worthy and logical to steal military secrets,projects and more from NATO or NATO-friendly countries (example : Japan, Taiwan and others) to upgrade what they already have ? @Orionblamblam in...
  20. J

    China Hypersonic Thread - Various
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