optionally manned

  1. RavenOne

    DARPA adds Autonomy to Black Hawk

    DARPA Taps Sikorsky to Add Autonomy to U.S. Army-Owned Black Hawk Helicopter...
  2. RAP

    RN Experimental Ship XV Patrick Henry

  3. bring_it_on

    USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV)

    Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) Advanced Technology Development Future Naval Capability (FNC) Program Science and Technology Brief to Industry https://www.scribd.com/document/369430054/ONR-Armored-Reconnaissance-Vehicle
  4. S

    First Super-Cavitating Ship, GHOST

    Juliet Marine Systems, Inc.; issued August 10, 2011 PORTSMOUTH, N.H. --- Juliet Marine Systems, Inc. (JMS) announced today that the US Navy/USPTO have removed Secrecy Orders previously applied to GHOST. For the first time, Juliet Marine is able to release photographs of GHOST, the first...
  5. Graham1973

    Manned/Unmanned Lunar Explorer (MULE)

    Over the years NASA has run various systems engineering courses with universities around the United States. In the mid-1970 a group associated with Rice University was asked to design a Dual-Mode rover for use in the 1980's. The selected design was for a two man, tracked rover. Manned/Unmanned...
  6. Graham1973

    Bendix Dual Mode LRV

    During the 1960's one proposal for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was make it so that after the manned mission was over it could be used as an unmanned rover for further exploration. Here is the final presentation report for the Bendix Version...
  7. Stargazer

    Northrop Grumman / Scaled Composites Model 355 Firebird

    Keeping in line with his habit of putting out a new aircraft every year or so, Burt Rutan registered two new types in 2010 and 2011. First one is the Scaled Composites LLC Model 355 (N355SX, c/n 001), a fixed wing twin-boom single pusher type certified on 24 Nov 2009 and manufactured in 2010...
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