office of naval research

  1. Grey Havoc

    R/P FLIP (FLoating Instrument Platform)

    Some good news, along with a bit of background: View:
  2. Grey Havoc

    Autonomous Modular Optical Underwater Robot (AMOUR)
  3. bring_it_on

    USMC Next Generation Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV)

    Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) Advanced Technology Development Future Naval Capability (FNC) Program Science and Technology Brief to Industry
  4. Grey Havoc


    A January 1974 (draft final) report for the Office of Naval Research, prepared by the Boeing Vertol Company:
  5. Grey Havoc

    USN Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot (SAFFiR)

    From Navy’s Newest Robot Is a Mechanized Firefighter By Katie Drummond March 8, 2012 | 12:56 pm | Categories: robots Meet SAFFiR: Embedded sensors allow the 'bot to see through smoke, and sophisticated upper-body agility let the 'bot throw fire-squelching grenades. Illo: Naval...
  6. M

    Fletch-Aire FA-1 « Mohawk » and other projects

    Greetings All - Interesting and unusual artwork: Enjoy the Day! Mark
  7. Grey Havoc

    Ships running on mud?

    SecNav Posits Drone Ships Fueled by Sediment At a breakfast meeting with DC-based defense reporters today, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus (now clearly not in contention to be SecDef) sketched a future force of unmanned ships pulling power from the sea floor. Office of Naval Research just did...
  8. bobbymike

    Cobalt Gun Barrels that fire "forever"

    From PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. -- During a firefight, the last thing a machine gunner wants to do is stop fighting to change barrels, but that's how it has always been done with standard, single steel-barrel machine guns. The reason for the barrel change is that at high temperatures...
  9. J

    Rotorcycles for USMC

    Rotorcycles In the early 1950s the US Marine Corps was considering a single seat portable ultra light helicopter which could be airdropped. The programme was conducted by the US Navy’s Office of Naval Research and included the following designs: Hiller 1033 Rotorcycle: Two prototypes...
  10. Triton

    US Navy Transformation Craft (T-Craft)

    Transformation Craft (T-Craft) Concept Study by Cynthia Marks et al., NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER CARDEROCK DIV BETHESDA MD SHIP SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND DESIGN DEPARTMENT (Aug 2007) Abstract: Handle / proxy Url:
  11. Orionblamblam

    Alternatives to the NAA X-15

    The AP-76 was one of the neatest-looking of the X-15 contenders... and also the poorest performer of the bunch. Looks ain't everything. BLATANT COMMERCIALISM WARNING.... Along with the AP-76, I just added a slew of new items. The AP-76 report is a prime example of how a design *should* be...
  12. C

    Boeing Global Patrol Aircraft for USN

    Hi Everybody! Chuck Anderson here!! Is anyone familiar with the following aircraft design, and if so, can anyone tell me where I can find further information? My original source was from an artist's conception appearing in an issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology in the 1980's. (I'm sorry...
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