nuclear rockets

  1. TheKutKu

    Euclid ULLV SSTO

    I stumbled upon this while reading Edward Hujsak's 1994 The Future of U.S. Rocketry. ULLV stands for "Ultra Large Launch Vehicle" This is a concept by the "Perigee West Company of La Jolla, California", which Edward Hujsak happened to be the president of, the company got several hundred...
  2. Flyaway

    DARPA moving forward with development of nuclear powered spacecraft

    Seems to have quite an early proposed flight date of fiscal year 2026.
  3. X-39

    NASA Selects Futuristic Space Technology Concepts for Early Study
  4. U

    Doomsday weapons and weapons to end all wars

    (Shamelessly stolen from the website atomic rockets) One notional 1959 concept for a large military Orion was the “doomsday weapon" idea. Instead of one Orion carrying a large number or weapons, able to rain down devastation on many separate targets, the idea was to equip one Orion with one...
  5. QuadroFX

    Russian nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon"

    Nuclear propulsion spacecraft "Nuklon" / "Нуклон" / "Nucleon" also known as TEM / ТЭМ ( Transport and Energy Module ) / Транспортно-Энергетический Модуль / Transportno-Energeticheskiy Modul' The assembly process has started! :cool...
  6. Flyaway

    NASA Keeping Nuclear-thermal Option Open For Mars

    Couldn't find an existing thread for this.
  7. Orionblamblam

    NERVA - nuclear rocket

    From here: Showing the radiation levels around a NERVA. Note that the magnitudes (ten-to-the-holycrap power) are shown as faint large background numerals.
  8. P

    G H Stein, "A Program for Star Flight", Analog, October 1973

    In this months Spaceflight, there is an article on Starships of the Future (mostly Daedalus and Icarus) that mentions a suggestion by G H Stein published in Analog, October 1973 called "A Program for Star Flight". 'A full program of exploration was proposed which would utilise a fleet of no...
  9. flateric

    LASL ASPEN (Aerospace Plane With Nuclear Engines) SSTO (1961)

    ASPEN BACKGROUND In the 1950s and 1960s, many potential uses of nuclear power were explored, such as NTRs. An NTR uses a nuclear reactor to heat a working fluid, such as hydrogen, and exhaust this fluid in a nozzle for thrust. Many studies of this technology were conducted, and prototypes were...
  10. Triton

    USAF interplanetary spacecraft concept using SPUR

    USAF interplanetary spacecraft concept model using Space Power Unit Reactor (SPUR) found on EBay. Description from EBay:
  11. Triton

    Space Transfer Concepts and Analyses for Exploration Missions (STCAEM) (1991)

    Space transfer concepts and analysis for exploration missions. Implementation plan and element description document. Volume 1: Major trades. Book 1: Draft final Abstract: Space transfer concepts and analysis for...
  12. Triton

    LM-B/Space Tug

    Does anyone know any details concerning the Grumman Lunar Module-B/Space Tug that was part of the Integrated Man Space Flight Program? I have found information that says its diameter was 22 feet and other information that says it was 15 feet. Did earlier concepts of the space shuttle have a...
  13. shadowcat48li

    Project Orion / Project Daedalus

    I am looking for information on Project Orion/Daedalus[British name for roughly the same thing] this was an early nuclear powered spacecraft that used focused nuclear explosions for thrust.
  14. Michel Van

    General Electric Mars Mission Study July 19, 1967.

    better know as Mission Engineering Study of Electrically Propelled Manned Planetary Vehicles GE began the study for MSFC in July 1966. they proposed to uses both nuclear-thermal and nuclear-electric propulsion. Nuclear ionengine give mission flexibility also for unfavorable opportunities and...
  15. A

    Early european rocketry projects

    title says all. It seems that Tony Buttler did it again! Along the mythical Avro 732 "supersonic Vulcan" he mention a Vulcan with a Diamant rocket under wing. (I've seen a pic, but I won't post it here) More info on the context and specs of this project ? I've checked Diamant A/B/BP-4 at...
  16. Michel Van

    To The Moon with .... the Space Shuttle ?!

    sounds insane, more like cheap "Sci-Fi" TV Movies of Germans Networks but like History shows, some one proposed that To NASA ! Cislunar Application of the Space Shuttle Orbiter Project V1086, J. E. Blahnik; undated (post-July 1971) attachment to memorandum from Director, Science and...
  17. Orionblamblam

    Military Orions (nuclear pulse propulsion)

    Busily working away on the next issue of Aerospace Projects Review, with the main article being on the 10-meter baseline Orion designs for the USAF and NASA. Part of the article deals with some suggested military roles for the smaller sized Orions, including ground-based command and control...
  18. hesham

    Douglas Astro delta-wing spacecraft

    Hi, the Douglas Astro was delta-wing vehicle and spacecraft,it was combined aircraft and rocketry concepts.
  19. Antonio

    Nuclear Powered Spacecraft

    Found this article at Flight archive. A nuclear Saturn V is illustrated
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