nuclear powered vessels

  1. E

    North Korea unveils nuclear-powered submarine for the first time
  2. Dilandu

    Sukarno stays in power - what would Australia do?

    So let's assume that Indonesian socialist leader Sukarno was more competent in terms of economic (or at least listened to better advisor) and managed to avoid the economy crisis that led to his downfall in OTL 1966. He remained relatively popular and in power; Indonesia remained socialistic and...
  3. uk 75

    US cruisers after 1991

    The US Navy in the 1980s deployed an impressive range of non-AEGIS cruisers. Long Beach was the largest and oldest of the nuclear ships and the only one to start life as a cruiser. The remainder started as frigates then became DLGNs. Bainbridge and Truxtun were one-offs followed in the 70s by 2...
  4. P

    Two studies for CATOBAR CVLN with simultaneous takeoff and recovery

    The first study: Saipan class light carrier. Length: 690.69 feet. Beam: ~180 feet max. 80 bow. Waterline bean: ~90 feet 35,000+ tons for bottom configuration 25+ knots. Aircraft complement: 16 F-35C 2 EWAR drones 4 ASW drones 4 AEW drones 2 helicopters I independently arrived to a...
  5. R

    East German nuclear-propelled cargo ship project

    I have a question although not dealing with warships. End 1950s-1960s the Warnow Werft, Rostock, East Germany intended to built a nucelar-propelled cargoship/freighter to be completed by 1965; the decision for the project dat from 19 November 1957. In 2023 professor-ing. Franz Spychala held in...
  6. S

    Naval Nuclear Reactor Discussion

    Single steam loop? Go F yourself, Mister DeGaulle! There's a reason everyone else keeps the primary loop inside the reactor compartment and lets it boil water in the secondary loop to spin the turbines.
  7. M

    1950s - 1960s U.S. NAVY FUTURE WEAPONS

    Hi! ALL HANDS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 1961 PAGE: 39 "OPERATION CRYSTAL BALL" In 1961 RADM Roy S. Benson asked everyone in the sub force to submit ideas for "future" submarine weapons etc. Some ideas - "depth charging" surface craft - underwater submarine tender - sailless submarines - addition of...
  8. Voltzz

    Autonomous Marine PowerSource (AMPS)

    I found short article in MILTECH on the AMPS, a Canadian project for a small scale nuclear reactor for use as air-independent-propulsion in submarines. Further research turned up a couple of interesting studies, which i attached to this post. THE AMPS 1000: AN ADVANCED REACTOR DESIGN FOR MARINE...
  9. C

    SCB.100 class CVs

    I was curious to see if there had been any drawings of this paper ship plan. Basically a anti sub/ trade lane protector ship for th usn, 20 s-3 in 2 squadrons plus 4-8 small anti snuper aircraft (presumably a-4 but no design specified) and 16 sea kings, to be biult in the 70's to replace the...
  10. Tzoli

    CVAN-67 the Nuclear Kennedy

    It is known that originally the 4th member of the Kitty Hawk class carriers the USS John F. Kennedy were to be nuclear powered variant of that class and would had been the 2nd nuclear carrier in the USN and in the world using a new Westinghouse A3W reactor design though there were plans to build...
  11. I

    Canada's Next Submarine

    Folks, Everyone knows Canada is in the early stages of replacing its surface fleet with a Type-26 derivative to be equipped with TLAM. It's purchasing 88 F-35s. Lot's of politics in their current defense procurement plans. How should it refresh its submarine force? Canada briefly flirted with...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Project 10570 nuclear powered multipurpose icebreaking vessel

  13. uk 75

    Royal Navy Destroyers and Frigates post 1966

    The Royal Navy began the 1960s with two excellent classes of destroyer (County DLG).and frigate (Type 12 Leander) on order. In 1966 the replacement of these ships with the T42 and T22 was set in hand.. In addition the T21 gp frigate was ordered to replace other frigate classes. So not a lot of...
  14. Hood

    Arctic Drift Barge

    I came across this project in a 1968 United States Atomic Energy Commission booklet, The ATOM and the OCEAN, by E. W. Seabrook Hull (can be found on Project Gutenberg here). The National Science Foundation had proposed an Arctic Drift Barge for Arctic research, which would have a nuclear plant...
  15. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  16. uk 75

    Alt 60s US Navy

    The Royal Navy in the 1960s has been the place for many alternative history threads helped by the excellent books on the subject and the enthusiasm of Brits like me for CVA01 and co. The US Navy offers even more scope for programmes that could have been. Some thoughts to kick things off...
  17. archipeppe

    Italian Navy turns 160 years

    Today Italian Navy celebrates its 160th birthday!!! Thanks to all the brave women and men who serve our homeland!!
  18. Grey Havoc

    French and other proposals for Canadian nuclear icebreaker (Polar 10) project, late 1970s / early 1980s

    Does anyone have any information on the French design at least? The program was a precursor to the equally ill-fated (non-nuclear) Polar 8 icebreaker program of the 1980s. The only hard info I have on the French proposal at the moment is that the reactor was a CAS (Advanced Series Boiler)...
  19. TinWing

    Vickers Submarine Oil Tanker for BP

  20. I

    SSN (X) - Seawolf Redux or something far larger?

    Navy's Next Attack Submarine Will Be Wider And Based On The New Columbia Class Missile Boats The SSN(X) design will be wider than the present Virginia class, offering improved capabilities and increased stealthiness underwater. Does anyone have any thoughts on displacement, size and weapon...
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