
  1. Dronescapes

    X-Planes episodes: from WWII Nazi rockets to Cold War era supersonic Darts

    X-Planes episodes: from WWII Nazi rockets to Cold War era supersonic Darts
  2. PabloSniper

    Northrop 3A

    Hello everyone! Despite being a prototype fighter, the Northrop 3A was not successful, and I didn't find much material about it. I think it would be interesting to have a topic about it. The Northrop 3A was powered by an air-cooled, supercharged, 1,535.387-cubic-inch displacement (25.160...
  3. H

    Who is the designer of the Northrop F-5?

    Was it Edgar Schmued or Welko Gasich/Lee Begin that designed the F-5 or not?
  4. K

    Covert Wings: The OA-61F Counter Widow in Vietnam

    So as part of as a what-if scale model, I wrote up a backstory (if you want to see the whole build process check out whatifmodelers The interesting part was I wrote up a basic story and then used Google Gemini AI to re-write and basically...
  5. Y

    A-12/SR-71 astro-inertial navigation system

    The A-12 and the later SR-71 used the NAS-14v2 astro-inertial navigation system (ANS) from the 1960s, which was particularly interesting in the pre-GPS times. The set apparently looked like this...
  6. J

    Northrop´s Stealth Aircraft-Prototypes and Projects 1940-1950-War Secrets-Volume Five

    Northrop’s Stealth Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 1940-1950 War Secrets-Volume Five CONTENTS Northrop N-1 Northrop N-1M Northrop proposal MX-140 N-9M trainers Northrop XB-35 Air Corps Specification XC-622 Northrop XP-56 (41-786) Northrop XP-56 (42-38353) Aero boost ducts...
  7. V

    Northrop N-204 reconnaissance plane project

    The Northrop N-204 was an advanced high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft project conceived in the fall of 1957, derived from Northrop's earlier N-165 spyplane design. It was powered by eight Westinghouse J54 turbojets arranged in two groups of four side-by-side engines between the outer wing...
  8. B

    "Improved F-5" and STOL F-5, from 1964

    I have come across an article from Air Force Magazine (link below) about the F-5 dated December 1964 that briefly talks about two variants of the F-5 apparently being offered at the time. First, an improved F-5A with slightly higher thrust ("J85-13/J5", 4300 lbf, 220 lbf higher than the...
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    R G Smith - one of the greatest aviation artists of all time

    Mike Machat shows some of R G Smith's incredible artwork on his Youtube channel. View:
  10. blackkite

    Northrop X-21 Laminar Flow Control

  11. overscan (PaulMM)

    Israeli visit to Northrop for YF-17 / F-18L

    From SDASM Flickr photostream - what is obviously a visit to Northrop from an Israeli delegation. Anyone know more?
  12. GWrecks

    Northrop Grumman Low Cost Fighter (?)

    I should start by saying that I only got mention from a thread that used a rather unreliable member as a source, so there's a chance this doesn't actually exist, but I saw pictures of a Northrop Grumman "Low Cost Fighter", which appeared to be very small stealth fighter that clearly gained...
  13. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs
  14. lansei

    Air Force Legends: Northrop YF-23 ATF by Paul Metz

    Good morning, Just want to share this book here. I don't know when it is going to be released. ISBN/Box 0942612..., Series Air Force Legend Nr 220, Publisher Ginter, Author Paul Metz, Format a4, No. Pages 50, Version sb, Language English
  15. hesham

    Northrop VTOL Aircraft (hypothetical design)

    Hi, here is a Northrop VTOL hypothetical or generic aircraft,investigated on the application of direct translational control for vertical take off and landing aircraft concept.
  16. R

    Northrop BETA 3

    hello, I'm searching Northrop BETA 3 plans and pictures to scratch an 1/48 scale model...
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    YF-17 ADEN vectored nozzle demonstrator with canards 1979 Northrop / GE study for conversion of a YF-17 into a demonstrator for GE's ADEN vectoring and thrust reversing nozzle.
  18. N

    Single seat T-38?

    Hi fellows, it's really a pity that now the crisis is really biting and we had to work harder than ever to earn the dollars or the euros requested by the insatiable fiscocracy. Nothwithstanding that, we have to survive, mantain our mind sanity and at least sometime breathe the pure air of our...
  19. Triton

    Northrop T-38-based VIP transport concept

    Model of Northop T-38-based VIP transport. Source:
  20. C

    Northrop N-251 supersonic VTOL interceptor concept

    The Northrop N-251 was a supersonic VTOL interceptor concept with trapezoid wings, twin forward engines and vectored lift thrust at the CG, much like the Bell X-14 and DuPont DP-1/-2. Factory model is shown here.
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