
  1. J

    Northrop´s Stealth Aircraft-Prototypes and Projects 1940-1950-War Secrets-Volume Five

    Northrop’s Stealth Aircraft Prototypes and Projects 1940-1950 War Secrets-Volume Five CONTENTS Northrop N-1 Northrop N-1M Northrop proposal MX-140 N-9M trainers Northrop XB-35 Air Corps Specification XC-622 Northrop XP-56 (41-786) Northrop XP-56 (42-38353) Aero boost ducts...
  2. V

    Northrop N-204 reconnaissance plane project

    The Northrop N-204 was an advanced high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft project conceived in the fall of 1957, derived from Northrop's earlier N-165 spyplane design. It was powered by eight Westinghouse J54 turbojets arranged in two groups of four side-by-side engines between the outer wing...
  3. B

    "Improved F-5" and STOL F-5, from 1964

    I have come across an article from Air Force Magazine (link below) about the F-5 dated December 1964 that briefly talks about two variants of the F-5 apparently being offered at the time. First, an improved F-5A with slightly higher thrust ("J85-13/J5", 4300 lbf, 220 lbf higher than the...
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    R G Smith - one of the greatest aviation artists of all time

    Mike Machat shows some of R G Smith's incredible artwork on his Youtube channel. View:
  5. blackkite

    Northrop X-21 Laminar Flow Control

  6. overscan (PaulMM)

    Israeli visit to Northrop for YF-17 / F-18L

    From SDASM Flickr photostream - what is obviously a visit to Northrop from an Israeli delegation. Anyone know more?
  7. flateric

    US & German Harassment Drone / LOCUST / DAR Designs
  8. overscan (PaulMM)

    YF-17 ADEN vectored nozzle demonstrator with canards 1979 Northrop / GE study for conversion of a YF-17 into a demonstrator for GE's ADEN vectoring and thrust reversing nozzle.
  9. Triton

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle concept photo

    Northrop "Walking" Lunar Vehicle from 1965 concept photo found on eBay. Source:
  10. Stargazer

    ARPV Advanced RPV Program (1975 -1977)

    In 1975, the U.S. Air Force was trying to determine what the capabilities of the next generation of drones should be and how such a vehicle — designed specifically for the task — would accomplish these objectives. While the Air Force's then current inventory of remotely piloted vehicles (RPVs)...
  11. hesham

    Northrop XST

    The Northrop XST;
  12. Maki

    NATF: planned Navy versions of the F-22 and F-23

    I was wondering if anybody knows anything more about the NATF & pre-NATF Tomcat replacement proposals.The only one i know about is the Lockheed swing-wing NATF proposal that is based on the F-22.I've read that they chose swing-wings because it was the easiest way to offer F-22 performance and to...
  13. overscan (PaulMM)

    Northrop A-9 AX Design Evolution

    Found via google patent search. Northrop design, seems to be related to early stages of AX. Patent: D218,856
  14. overscan (PaulMM)

    US NAVY ATA (Advanced Tactical Aircraft) program: A-12 Avenger II & its rivals

    A-12 press pack, courtesy of flateric
  15. P

    Northrop P-530 / P-600 / P-610 / YF-17 Design Evolution

    Northrop P-610 single-engine variant of the YF-17 Cobra (later F/A-18 Hornet) At the time of the USAF’s ‘Light Weight Fighter’ (LWF) Request for Proposal, Northrop attempted to cover its bases, by submitting both a single-engine design, the P-610, and the twin-engine design, the P-600 Both the...
  16. flateric

    Northrop N333/N336/N340 Dorsal inlet fighters - ATS / ATF / VATOL

    several pics of Northrop 1978 strike aircraft (refered also as VATOL and Air-To-Surface Advanced Tactical Fighter Aircraft) with dorsal inlets (may be that one El was talking about)
  17. flateric

    Northrop TACIT BLUE

    Some inflight footage from Discovery Channel documentary and my 3-view
  18. TinWing

    Northrop N-102 Fang light fighter

    Here are two pictures of the N-102 mockup: [links broken - Admin] More information will follow later.
  19. Antonio

    McDD/Northrop/BAe ASTOVL/MRF/JAST/JSF studies

    [Moderator note - added in some older posts of earlier STOVL designs from Northrop, McDonnell-Douglas from the "US VTOL Projects" topic. I think these are interesting to consider in the light of the combined JAST design] I want to add the Northrop-Grumman ALF. Pictures from Air&Cosmos Nº1482...
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