
  1. ar020

    FA/XX impression WIP

    Currently working on a single engined FA/XX Naval fighterjet. Work in progress. The thread will be updated with more info and renders coming soon.
  2. F.L.

    Safineh-class guided-missile destroyer project

    There is no thread on this Iranian Navy project yet. This thread is in no way intended for those who want to spit their venom at Iran, its army or government !
  3. that_person

    Rumsfeld's Alternative Fleet Architecture Design and the Weapon Ship/Combat Systems Ship (X-WPS)

    Hello all. Today I was doing some research into the AGS's LRLAP shells, trying to confirm a hunch I have that the original unit price was drastically lower than the stated $800,000-$1,000,000. I sort of confirmed that, as well as finding information saying the AGS was supposed to fire other...
  4. T

    How can Brazil, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal have better armies, navies, air forces and information technology AFTER 1946?

    I am feeling a bit better now. After the first days, it’s a bit better and I can have a bit of vague leisure for a few minutes a day. So I decided to ask a What If from a different point of view. What if the armies of these following nations were better armed and had better information...
  5. litzj

    Seoul Battleship Park at Seoul

    I had visited Seoul Battleship Park at Seoul (Homepage); it is located at Hangang river of Seoul. Museum consists of three ships; Ulsan Class Frigate, Chamsuri Class Patrol Boat, and Dolgorae Class - small submarine. Detailed explanation can be shown in Wiki I linked; enjoy the just photos in...
  6. R

    Venezuelan warships to be built by Dutch shipyards in 1950s

    Archive Kon. Mij. De Schelde 1970-1975 1656 (stored at Zeeuws Archief). There is some correspondence preserved dating 1949-1950. The launches were never built. In December 1949 was the shipyard informed that the Commander in Chief of the Venezuelan Navy wanted to purchase 3 diesel...
  7. X

    WINGS at SEA, Landing a Pusher-Prop on a Postage Stamp....

    A knotty design conundrum! Using some 'imagineering', what if the Curtis XP55 'Ascender' and the Kyushu J7W 'Shinden' went into production and both spawned navalised variants for carrier deployment. The thorny issue of deck landing arises; 3-point tricycle landing gear means the awkward...
  8. covert_shores

    World Submarine Family Tree research megaproject

    I hope that you won't mind that this only shows built designs, but I think it's relevance to unbuilt projects is straightforward. I've always been interested in how some designs influenced others, even if there wasn't always a transfer of data/direct knowledge. But I couldn't find anything...
  9. isayyo2

    Polaris tubes stay on Cruisers?

    Before Polaris was put out to sea, submarines weren't their only host platform; the USN had their Long Beach and Albany cruisers "fitted for, but not with" with eight Polaris tubes. Also, the Italian Navy and their Cruisers held provisions for Polaris tubes. Still, these plans were dashed after...
  10. Moose

    Italian Navy DDX

    The Italian Navy is planning a pair of 10,000 ton Destroyers, known for the time being as DDX. These would be the largest surface combatants built in Western Europe since the 40s.
  11. super_cacti

    Boulton Paul Type A turret on the Hr.Ms. Flores

    Hello there. I have been looking into the Dutch Flores-class sloops for awhile now, and one thing is still very unclear to me. Many sources say that the Flores was fitted with two Boulton Paul Type A turrets (Taken from the Boulton Paul Defiant). Here is the only photo I could find that might...
  12. V

    RIM-101 ship-based tube-launched missile

    Does anyone have drawings or specs for the little known RIM-101 ship-launched missile? Andreas Parsch has info about the RIM-101 missile (, and you'll note that the RIM-101 was previously confused with the RIM-7 Sea Sparrow and AIM-101 designation...
  13. chimeric oncogene

    Advanced Maritime Nuclear Propulsion Engines

    While virtually all maritime nuclear reactors (save the Soviet Alfas and Papas, which ran on lead-cooled fast reactors with a steam secondary circuit) were light water PWRs, other reactor designs have been prototyped which may be of use for maritime nuclear propulsion. Concepts include direct...
  14. K

    New Super Hornet UAP video from 2015

    "To The Stars" released a new ufo video, much more detailed. Could it be a test missile? Or drone? Does not appear to have a plume and does not lose any altitude. See for yourself. USA Today and others reporting. View:
  15. Triton

    NATO vs Warsaw Pact naval war book recommendations

    I was wondering if board members had book or paper recommendations of what a sea campaign between NATO and the Warsaw Pact might look like? Information on the strategy and tactics of the US Navy for example. Preferably, the second Cold War during the Thatcher and Reagan years of the 1980s. I...
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