
  1. M

    General Dynamics and Vought Navalised F-16s to VFAX/NACF requirement

    Greetings All - Here's a few of the Vought concepts - first off the designs that competed for the F-14 and then the LWF designs when they teamed with General Dynamics and would have/could have had the F/A-18 had the Navy followed Congress's edict to choose the winning LWF design (F-16). I'm...
  2. overscan (PaulMM)

    VFAX (1974) / NACF Projects (Pre F/A-18 concepts)

    Came across the following in Air International. Seven companies responded to the VFAX RFP for unfunded proposals for a Mach 1.6 aircraft with 28,000-30000lb weight an unit cost less that $6 million in 1975 dollars over a 400 aircraft program. General Dynamics submitted two designs; a...
  3. P

    Northrop P-530 / P-600 / P-610 / YF-17 Design Evolution

    Northrop P-610 single-engine variant of the YF-17 Cobra (later F/A-18 Hornet) At the time of the USAF’s ‘Light Weight Fighter’ (LWF) Request for Proposal, Northrop attempted to cover its bases, by submitting both a single-engine design, the P-610, and the twin-engine design, the P-600 Both the...
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