"Restored USAF documentary from 1962 about future space exploration as imagined in the early 1960s. Cargo transport to space stations and lunar bases is shown using animation. Rockets (Saturn inspired), spaceplanes and cargo vehicles (Agena inspired) are depicted. "
Hey Y'all; just saw this,
NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon
By Samantha Mathewson
published 18 July 2024
With crewed Artemis launches on the horizon, NASA is searching for sustainable solutions for waste management during long-term missions on the moon...
This for Alternate history Story i work on.
and i need advice and help on some details.
NEXT is Lunar Colonisation Program
It reuse the entire Launch rocket and Lunar lander
And orbital refuel for second stage for Lunar Trajectory Injection
To bring 60 metric tons lander to Lunar surface...
As the US looks to go back to the Moon with Artemis my question here is, what might have been feasible in the 1970s to keep the US sending manned expeditions to the Moon?
Clearly, the main obstacle was a political one. With no Soviet manned lunar programme once the US had got to the Moon first...
apollo applications program
apollo program
apollo x
cold war
heavy lift vehicle
space age
space race
space station
united states
On a very topical note, a horror game that, appropriately enough, has recently returned from the dead. Not to be confused with the 2020 game of the same name.
Jamie Anderson will release new Technical Hand book about Moonbase Alpha
feature new Data and allot stuff from Old Series over 250 illustration on 300 pages
Pre Order start on 13th September 2021 on Official Anderson Shop webpage
Jamie Anderson on book...
I wonder how much this will be driven by each country. Will one be more more in the driving seat than the other.
Artemis is the overall NASA program aimed at re-establishing manned lunar exploration which includes the "lunar gateway".
A human rated, reusable lander is being developed using the model of the commercial crew program. The schedule goal is to conduct the first, un-crewed landing in 2024...
Anyone have anything more on this new program?
Boeing Lunar Rover circa 1991
apollo program
bush administration (20th century)
cold war
early 1990s
general motors
lunar outpost (sei)
lunar rover
nasa first lunar outpost program
post-cold war
space age
space exploration initiative
space race
united states
From the June 1959 edition of Popular Science, an article on the Martin Company's USAF Lunar Simulator project, basically intended to simulate conditions inside a long-term manned installation on the Moon. Among it's interesting features was the plan to eventually have it house it's own...
NASA's plans to return astronauts to the moon are dead. So are the rockets being designed to take them there — that is, if President Barack Obama gets his way.
When the White House releases his budget proposal Monday, there will be no money for the Constellation program that was supposed...
Can anyone recommend a good English source for information concerning Valentin Glusko's Lunar Expeditionary Complex beyond the Russian Space Web site and Astronautix, either books or websites? Does anyone have concept art they would be willing to share? I have been on the Buran web site.
Philip Bono master piece
"Reusable Orbital Module-Booster & Utility Shuttle"from 1964
is SSTO (VTOVL) with payload 450 tons in 185 km Orbit.
with a plug nozzle rocket engine design, used also as heat shield during atmospheric reentry.
most of LH2 fuel...
cold war
deep space probes
douglas aircraft company
douglas aircraft company missile & space division
heavy lift vehicle
space age
space race
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