In order to avoid clogging the IJN air service thread, I'd open an Army-specific thread for discussion about their alternatives in choice of flying hardware, logistics (as far as they can address it), production, etc. The Pacific war unfolds as it did hisorically, ie. the war with West starts as...
early 1940s
imperial japanese army
imperial japanese army air service
interwar period
late 1930s
ministryof commerce and industry (japan)
ministryofmunitions (empireofjapan)
world war ii
Time frame should cover gearing-up to the Pacific war and the war itself.
What should've they specified differently for industry to make vs. what was made historically, in order to put up a better fight against the 'West', or mostly against the USN/USMC/USAAF? Not to make a host of designs that...
early 1940s
imperial japanese navy
imperial japanese navy air service
interwar period
late 1930s
ministryof commerce and industry (japan)
ministryofmunitions (empireofjapan)
ministryof the navy (japan)
world war ii
Ok, in 1940 the war as just started or was about to start (for Italy and Japan) and things were going fairly well. In Germany and Italy airlines and governments started to plan for the expected post-war increase in air traffic, expecially on the Atlantic routes (sound familiar?).
axis powers
civil aviation
kingdom of italy
ministryof aeronautics (kingdom of italy)
ministryof communications and transport (japan)
ministryofmunitions (empireofjapan)
ministryof the air force (kingdom of italy)
nazi germany
third reich
world war ii
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