ministry of aviation

  1. uk 75

    Postwar British missile procurement

    We have covered individual projects and the infamous Sandys 1957 White Paper in some depth but I wanted to draw together what we have learnt with some open questions: Which missile projects across the board: Malkara to Blue Streak would you bin or save? Which Foreign systems would you have...
  2. Apophenia

    Rolls-Royce RB Designations

    Rolls-Royce Limited/Rolls-Royce (1971) Limited/Rolls-Royce plc 'RB' Designations (Moderator: I have placed this listing here because its emphasis is on the designation system rather than details of the engines themselves. If this is positioning is deemed inappropriate, please move or delete...
  3. robunos

    The 'AB.123' project designation system...

    I've done a search. and I'm surprised that there's no thread for this... Following the partial replacement, in 1959, of the British Ministry of Supply by the Ministry of Aviation, the iconic 'Rainbow Code' system for projects was also replaced, by a new system of two letters, and three numbers...
  4. robunos

    Marshall MA.4 BLC testbed aircraft

    This aircraft has been mentioned in a couple of threads, here :-,14200.msg143338.html#msg143338,3808.msg29919.html#msg29919 but doesn't seem to have a topic of it's own. In the period...
  5. JFC Fuller

    RN Nuclear NIGS ship

    Firstly, this is based upon known discussions with the RN, known systems that were proposed and/or existed at one point or another and known sketch designs performed. However these have been combined together to form a single coherent platform that is representative of what could have been built...
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