mine warfare vessel

  1. Grey Havoc

    E=MCM (European Extended Mine Counter Measures) program

  2. G

    Replacing the Kingston class .

    I have heard mention recently that the MCDVs may be next up for replacing Now I have perhaps seen one or two mentions in the media of this but not much beyond that the Navy would like them to be capable of 25 knots. And that's about it . I don't suppose anyone else has come across anything...
  3. TinWing

    Cancelled 1950s Aluminum Hull USN Ocean Minesweeper?

    There is a reference in Norman Friedman's "U.S. Amphibious Ships" to a canceled 225 ft. ocean minesweeper that was related to the singleton unit USS Carronade in terms of hull form. Aluminum hull construction would have made a great deal of sense as it was very obviously amagnetic and less...
  4. Triton

    US Navy Mine Sweeper Hunter (MSH) Surface Effect Ship (SES)

    From DefenseImagery.mil, an artist's concept of the Bell Aerospace Textron Mine Sweeper Hunter (MSH). In Fiscal Year 1984, the US Navy embarked upon a program to construct 17 minesweeper hunters of some 470 tons displacement that utilized surface-effect-ship and glass-reinforced plastic hull...
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