military airlift command

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    SOR 182 / System 476L - contenders for C-141

    Boeing Douglas Lockheed...
  2. V

    US Air Force orders the Convair Model 6 ultra-heavy airlifter

    I read that Convair proposed the Model 6 heavy-lift transport as a derivative of the Advanced C-99 project with the backswept wings and tail surfaces from the YB-60 competitor to the B-52, and I wanted to ask what the course of US heavy-lift capability during the early Cold War would have been...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Lockheed C-5 Galaxy Manufacturers Sales Brochure 1969

    Found this while attempting to track down photos of the model for the planned RAF variant of the C-5A Galaxy:
  4. M

    C-17B Globemaster

    I'm looking for information, technical data, 3-line drawings, pictures etc about projects based on C-17 Globemaster III ( for example C-17B ).
  5. Stargazer

    Tanker Transport Training System (TTTS) USAF competition

    In the late 1980s, the USAF reassessed its training missions. The aging T-37s and T-38s could not be refurbished and uphauled indefinitely, and so new specifications were to be drafted. JPATS would provide a primary trainer for future pilots; and TTTS would provide a platform for future tanker...
  6. F

    Lockheed C-5A Galaxy Variants ans Proposals

    does anyone have any three views and cross sections views of the C-5
  7. hesham

    Boeing C-135 variants

    Hi, When I got a variants to Beoing C-135, I think it was not interesting, but when I read it I find many variants were little known. C-135A cargo/troop transport aircraft for US Military Air Transport Service with J57-59W engines. EC-135A conversions of KC-135A as flying command post and...
  8. hesham

    McDonnell Douglas Little Known Airliners

    Hi everybody, During the 1987/1988 McDonnell-Douglas tried to make a deal with Airbus to develope MD-330 airliner,which was based on a stretch MD-11 airframe with Airbus A300 wing to compete Boeing-747,but the McDonnell later developed the design MD-12,anther series of little known airliner...
  9. P

    Strategic Weapons Launcher (SWL)

    ‘Strategic Weapons Launcher’ “SWL” 1n the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the US became very concerned about the growing accuracy of the Soviets new and future ICBM’s and SLBM’s. This accuracy would threaten the Strategic Air Commands (SACs) fixed ICBM silo fields in a ‘first strike’. The USAF...
  10. Antonio

    CX-HLS (Cargo Experimental, Heavy Logistic Support) designs & derivatives

    Giants of the Sky by Bill Gunston ISBN 1-85260-258-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN C-5 GALAXY: WarbirdTech 36 In 1960 the USAF launched Project Forecast which called for the world's biggest logistic transport, the CX-4, in the 600,000 lb category. It should be a jet. The only study I know comes from...
  11. overscan (PaulMM)

    Cargo-Experimental (C-X) program designs

    Patent drawings of the Boeing CX
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