military airlift command

  1. overscan (PaulMM)

    SOR 182 / System 476L - contenders for C-141

    Boeing Douglas Lockheed...
  2. Stargazer

    Tanker Transport Training System (TTTS) USAF competition

    In the late 1980s, the USAF reassessed its training missions. The aging T-37s and T-38s could not be refurbished and uphauled indefinitely, and so new specifications were to be drafted. JPATS would provide a primary trainer for future pilots; and TTTS would provide a platform for future tanker...
  3. Antonio

    CX-HLS (Cargo Experimental, Heavy Logistic Support) designs & derivatives

    Giants of the Sky by Bill Gunston ISBN 1-85260-258-9 LOCKHEED MARTIN C-5 GALAXY: WarbirdTech 36 In 1960 the USAF launched Project Forecast which called for the world's biggest logistic transport, the CX-4, in the 600,000 lb category. It should be a jet. The only study I know comes from...
  4. overscan (PaulMM)

    Cargo-Experimental (C-X) program designs

    Patent drawings of the Boeing CX
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