miles aircraft limited

  1. Dronescapes

    Rare (mostly unseen) footage of Power Jets, the Miles M.52, and other projects

    Rare footage filmed by Frank Whittle's friend in color. It is a short story about Power Jets, but it also contains a lot of interesting footage, some never published before, including some footage of early testing of the Miles M.52. The video includes never published before bits of Frank...
  2. blackkite

    Miles M23

    Hi! Miles M23. "M.23 Fighter Projects In 1941 a proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Aircraft Production for a high-speed single-seat fighter powered initially by a Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, then in full production, and later by a...
  3. cluttonfred

    Smallest aircraft carrier projects?

    This is going to sound off-topic, but bear with me. The Miles M.38 Messenger was a STOL light aircraft originally designed as an Airborne Observation Post for artillery spotting and eventually used as a VIP transport and liaison plane. When the U-Boats seemed to be winning the battle of the...
  4. hesham

    Miles Tandem Wing Projects

    Hi, I found this Miles tandem wing monoplane project,can anybody identify it ?.
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