marine de vichy

  1. YourChair

    Kleber/Marceau and Bayard-class destroyers, and the Vichy destroyer studies

    Hello, I've been looking for information on the Kleber class destroyers and their follow-ons online for a while. Today I got French Destroyers 1922-56, and while it didn't tell me much more about the Klebers, it did mention names for the "Type 1940" destroyers (Bayard and 5 others), and that...
  2. J

    Arsenal VB.10

    A bit more conventional was the system of engines in tandem designed during the German occupation by the engineer Michel Vernisse. It was to power the Arsenal VB.10 fighter by using two Hispano-Suiza H.S. 12Z engines. One of them was installed in the nose of the airplane and the other in the...
  3. F

    French Aircraft Carrier Never-Were Designs and Proposals

    Hello there! I've been trying to find data on French aircraft carrier designs between the Joffre and the Clemenceau (PA-54). I've found plenty of data on the PA-28, but I'm very interested in the supposed PA-25 design from Vichy France and the PA-27, PA-29, PA-31 designs from 1945 onwards...
  4. Jemiba

    Arsenal de l'aéronautique: built prototypes and unbuilt projects

    Arsenal VB.15 ( a version of hte VB.10 powered by two Arsenal 12H engines, french versions of the Jumo 213), this is a post war type. For the Payen pre-war types and projects I would recommend, but you'll probably find out, that especially informations...
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