NASAs pre-Apollo program underwent a number of changes as the need to reach the moon before the Russians came to dominate the program.
One concept, that was studied and not proceeded with was mounting a small (100lb) rover to a modified Surveyor. It was to be fitted with small scientific...
apollo program
bendix aerospace systems division
bendix corporation
cold war
lunar robots
nuclear powered vehicles
space age
space probes
space race
surveyor program
united states
During the 1960's one proposal for the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) was make it so that after the manned mission was over it could be used as an unmanned rover for further exploration. Here is the final presentation report for the Bendix Version...
apollo program
bendix aerospace systems division
bendix corporation
cold war
general motors
lunar robots
lunar rover
nuclear powered vehicles
optionally manned
space age
space race
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