lunar probes

  1. Grey Havoc

    Luna 4
  2. F

    Artemis Moon Program

    Artemis is the overall NASA program aimed at re-establishing manned lunar exploration which includes the "lunar gateway". A human rated, reusable lander is being developed using the model of the commercial crew program. The schedule goal is to conduct the first, un-crewed landing in 2024...
  3. Grey Havoc

    Jade Rabbit [Yutu] (PRC Lunar rover)
  4. Graham1973

    Ranger 'X' - Lunar Flyby with film return capsule

    It seems that in 1962 the proposal was made to fit out what could have been 'Ranger 6' with a camera installation comprising the Ranger 3-4-5 vidicon unit paired with a high resolution (80ft at closest approach) film camera and a re-entry capsule that would drop the high resolution camera film...
  5. Michel Van

    British 1960 manned Lunar Project

    back in 1960 P. A. E. Stewart proposed a British manned Moon Program with the use of Blue Streak and Black Knight technolgy phase 1, 1960 to 1963 first probes (ranger types) to the moon Phase 2, 1964 to 1967 Hardware testing on earth Low orbit and Lunar Orbit. phase 3, 1968 to 1969 the...
  6. XP67_Moonbat

    Chinese Space Program

    An article on pre-Shenzhou studies and the Shenzhou project. Check it out: You gotta love this illustration. Here you go. Moonbat
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