light aviation

  1. Grey Havoc

    Ridge Hill Airfield
  2. hesham

    Dutch Light Aircraft,Sailplanes & Helicopters Prototypes & Projects

    Hi, Van den Berg Staalvogel = Hans van den Berg uit Baambrugge heeft vijf(!) maal een vliegtuig gebouwd, vanaf 1962 bouwde hij drie toestellen die echter geen van alle gevlogen hebben. Zijn vierde project (Staalvogel 4) was in 1968 klaar en kwam op 5 juli van dat jaar inderdaad van de grond...
  3. Schneiderman

    Light aircraft in Egypt 1933

    Here's one to identify, photo taken at Almaza, Cairo, in November 1933. Hesham, this is your territory, can you provide a name?
  4. persil

    Little-known Chinese helicopter projects

    Good day my friends. I am creating this thread in order to fill a little gap I am facing recently. There is a very nice thread on little-known American helicopters, where people share their findings on various designs. For roughly 10 to 15 years, maybe 20, the situation in China regarding...
  5. J

    CLW Curlew

    SPF contributor Motocar posted to his website this cutaway of the CLW Curlew. The post referenced his source, an archival version of the German magazine Flugsport for 1937. I couldn't find a thread for CLW here at SPF, so I started this one as this airplane contains some structural details...
  6. shedofdread

    RAeS/Coventry University ‘Light aircraft design Teach-ins’

    I don't know if this is of interest but just putting it here in case it is...
  7. Grey Havoc

    Blackburn Sidecar

  8. hesham

    Czech Light Aircraft Prototypes & Projects

    From L+K 1/1969, here is a single seat low-wing light aircraft Project,designed by Mr. Vlada Verner from Czech (as I think) and it was called W-1,it was mentioned in JAWA 1972/1973,but I am not sure if it was a Project or not.
  9. hesham

    Dring Insect-Plane Prototype of 1934

    Hi, here is a radical insect looks like airplane,designed by Mr. T. A. Dring of Poulner, Hampshire at the age 78,constructed and flight in 1934.
  10. hesham

    Early Drawing to De Havilland Canada DHC-2

    Hi, here is the early drawing to De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver with Gipsy Queen engine. Jet & Prop 5/1995
  11. Kiltonge

    Aircraft Designs Sheriff 1983

    Originally designed by John Britten as long ago as 1977, construction of one prototype commenced but was abandoned at some stage in late 1982 or early 1983. The comment in Flight in 1980 about labour costs being projected as the major component of the planned £35,000 price explains the...
  12. Stargazer

    The Smith B-2 "Arrowhead" Safety plane: Glenn Curtiss's last project

    Ever since 1911, Glenn H. Curtiss constantly dreamed of an airplane which would become a "family car of the air". His last efforts in this direction was a "flying wing" biplane with a pusher propeller, the configuration of which was very much like that of the Dunne D.8 of 1911. The similarity...
  13. Stargazer

    Navarro Safety Aircraft « Chief » 3-seater saloon monoplane (1931)

    Found this British aircraft of the 1930s and have no idea if it was actually produced, or if the Navarro company did anything else. Here are excerpts from the 1931 brochure... Has anyone heard of Navarro before? Other pics would be greatly appreciated! THE NAVARRO "CHIEF" THREE SEATER SALOON...
  14. Avimimus

    Concours de la Securite en Aeroplanes (pre-WWI 'safe' aircraft competitions)

    This sounds like a fascinating series of competitions (with more than fifty registrants and twenty flying prototypes in some years). I'm quite curious to no more about it. I've found references (and photos) of a few individual contenders - but trying to figure out what the designers were...
  15. hesham

    Max Holste H-20 P.1 twin boom glider

    Hi, here is the Max Holste H-20 P.1 twin boom shoulder high wing glider, I think one was built.
  16. Stargazer

    Bendix Helicopters Model K "Whirlaway"

    After the experimental Models G and H, Bendix Helicopters, Inc. had a go at finding their place on the market of small-size helicopters with the Models J and K, which both received the name Whirlaway. Unfortunately Hiller had already invested the segment of coaxial rotorcraft, and there seemed...
  17. Apophenia

    Georges Sablier Type Designations

    Georges Sablier (and Aviación Vizcaína SA) Type Designations Designation Style: some current sources display Sablier designations as S-xx. Contemporary documents, including Sablier plan pamphlets always display designations as Sablier type xx. At some point in the mid-1930s, Georges Sablier...
  18. Caravellarella

    Lesher Teal & Nomad experimental light aircraft prototypes......

    Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article in French about the Lesher Teal experimental light aircraft and its design predecessor, the Lesher Nomad. They remind me a little of the Learfan 2100 in layout...... The article comes from the 15th March 1966 issue of Aviation Magazine International...
  19. Maveric

    Stastny-Krejcik Stakr 2

    Hi all, anybody know more about this czech aircraft? Thanks Maveric
  20. hesham

    A N Rafaelyanz Aircraft and Projects

    Hi, we know only for this Russian company; Rafaelyants or simply RAF,that RAF-1 was ultra-light low-wing monoplane of 1925, RAF-2 was two-seat cantilever low-wing monoplane of 1926 and the RAF-11 was twin-engined low-wing small tarnsport aircraft of 1935,nobody knows the RAF-3 to RAF-10 ,and if...
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