landing craft

  1. Y

    Warship Classification/Designation Discussion

    My working hypothesis is that the first two letters define the numbering series, and subsequent ones modify the first two. This is broken by DDGs and FFGs not falling into the DD and FF sequences, but otherwise it holds up reasonably well. Within submarines, there were the short-lived SC, SF...
  2. Hood

    1987 Netherlands LST

    In 1987 the Royal Netherlands Navy began studying an 8,000 ton LST for the 1993-97 construction programme which would have the capacity to carry 600 Marines. This pre-dates the LSD effort which began in 1990 which resulted in the Rotterdam-class. These have a capacity for 600 troops but offer...
  3. S

    PACSCAT (Partial Air Cushion Supported CATamaran)

  4. Triton

    US Navy Power Augmented Ram Landing Craft (PARLC)

    The Power Augmented Ram Landing Craft (PARLC) was a landing craft concept combining surface effect ship and power-augmented-ram technology into one vehicle. First proposed in FY 1979 at the David L Taylor Ship Research and Development Center, the landing craft was projected to carry 120 tons of...
  5. T

    Russian landing boat [ship] "Serna" project 11770

    Hi I'm looking for information about "Serna" - russian project "11770" Thanks
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