kriegsmarine luftstreitkräfte

  1. W

    Kampfflugzeuge See (See-Stuka) 1938 contest

    Everyone knows about the Dormier P.85 aircraft project, a Do17Z with, among other differences, floats and straight wings. It wasn`t included in the attached table, taken from a BA/MA file on the contest for a seaplane bomber, known as "Kampfflugzeug See" or as See-Stuka, as may see. There were...
  2. Stargazer

    Siebel Si 201 pusher aircraft

    Not being much of a German aircraft specialist, I find myself stuck trying to identify this strange little pusher bird... It may well be a Focke-Wulf project, but that's my only clue. I'm sure someone will be able to identify it soon and put me to shame! Thanks in advance for your help.
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