koninklijke marine

  1. Sanglune

    Koninklijke Marine general - The better KM's Ships, Plans and Weaponry discussions

    I figured we could do with a general thread for certain matters pertaining the Royal Dutch Navy instead of having multiple smaller threads enter the void of obscurity. Useful links: Netherlandsnavy - has reprints of the Washington International articles about the Battlecruiser 1939 - 1940 and...
  2. Sanglune

    Dutch Post-WW2 Battleship

    A period ago I found in J. Anten's 'Navalisme Nekt Onderzeeboot' mention of a postwar Dutch Battlecruiser; armed with 38 cms cannons. Now that I look at it again it also mentions guided weapons which I seem to have forgotten because it didn't seem tangible. But as of yesterday evening, I came...
  3. Sanglune

    Nevesbu's projects

    Hello, I'm looking for warships designed by Nevesbu (B.V. Nederlandse Verenigde Scheepsbouw Bureaus). Specifically for surface vessels, though I don't want to discourage discussion around their submersibles. So far I'm aware of a couple of designs: Project 1047 (files attached, source: Klaas...
  4. Grey Havoc

    Project 1047 Battlecruiser (Royal Netherlands Navy)

  5. Grey Havoc

    Royal Netherlands Navy fleet tanker program [1939-40]

    At the same time as the Design 1047 battlecruiser project was being worked on, the Dutch need for dedicated naval tankers, especially to support operations around the Netherlands East Indies could no longer be ignored, so what was intended to be a eventual two-ship class was (belatedly)...
  6. TinWing

    Early Post-WWII Dutch Submarines: Unbuilt 3 and 4 pressure hull designs

    These drawings can be found on the site Dutchsubmarines.com, albeit in multiple segments. The cargo submarine concept is a throw back to the WWI German concept - perhaps even the later the later "milch cow" u-boats? I do have to wonder if this design was prompted by the Dutch experience in the...
  7. TinWing

    Schelde Combatant 12717: Stealthy Dutch Frigate?

    This image was was posted by Neptune in the Merchant Shipping thread: This proposal was also depicted in the Thales brocure for an integrated mast, which houses a Smart S Mk2 radar in a "stealthy" enclosure. Here is the link...
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