kawasaki kokuki kogyo kabushiki kaisha

  1. airman

    American Report about Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company Inc

    American Report about Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company Inc on archive.org : https://archive.org/stream/corporationrepor19unit#page/n3/mode/2up report can be saved in .pdf , .epub plain text , daisy and in kindle format . on txt numbers on planned productions by kawasaki .
  2. Pelzig

    Kawanishi KX-03 giant 500-ton flying boat

    New one to me. 500 tons? What a monster that would have been. The H11K Soku was the KX-8 internally to the company. If the designators went in order, then one can surmise that the KX-3 was a proposal which pre-dated the H11K. Still, I bet no sane military official would have given such a...
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