japanese maritime self-defense force

  1. Grey Havoc

    High Speed Landing Craft (JSDF)

    https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2025/02/bmt-and-jmu-awarded-landing-craft-contract-by-japans-atla/ Not sure if this planned new class will be operated by the recently established Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) Maritime Transport Group triservice unit or by the JMSDF. This article from...
  2. K

    Japanese Domestic Military UAV Projects

    I am just trying to compile all domestic Japanese UAV programs in one place. Maybe I will add a bit more info on each as time goes on. I know for a fact I'm missing a lot of the early cold war programs, so any help there would be appreciated. FUJI/SUBARU Fuji-Vigilant 5000...
  3. I

    JMSDF - CVH Next (Izumo Class Follow-on)

    I'm tracking the multi-phase conversions of the Izumo Class to operate the F-35B and V-22. What will Japan build next to provide fixed-wing capability for its fleet? Sometime in the 2030's (if not sooner) the JMSDF will build another class of carriers. These will either replace the smaller...
  4. Triton

    Izumo Class 22DDH Helicopter Destroyer

    Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) 22DDH helicopter destroyer. Source: http://snafu-solomon.blogspot.com/2010/06/22ddh-japans-next-helicopter-carrier.html http://www.strategypage.com/militaryforums/6-62389.aspx http://oursogo.com/thread-1155047-1-1.html
  5. Triton

    JMSDF DDR Destroyer Revolution/13DDX

    Model of JMSDF DDR Destroyer Revolution. Source: http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/world-armed-forces/japan-military-news-thread-31-2436.html
  6. Grey Havoc

    Mogami/DEX/30FFM class frigate

    This is supposedly a joint Japan/US project using the Independence class as a starting point, although it seems to me to have inherited some features from at least one MSDF related project of the late '80s/early 90s. First of class to enter service in 2018, which would suggest that it's to be...
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