japan maritime self-defense force

  1. GTX

    Japanese Extra-large unmanned underwater vehicle (XLUUV)

  2. Tzoli

    JMSDF 2500-ton Escort Ship

    I've founds this interesting design on the Shipbucket forums and I've thought I share it here as well. http://www.shipbucket.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10014 During the Fourth Defense Force Development Plan (years 1972 – 1976), the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) planned to introduce...
  3. K

    Japan 20000t SPY-7 guided missile destroyer/cruiser

    https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOUA265VN0W2A820C2000000/ In the record breaking 5.6 trillion yen 2023FY budget request, the Japanese MoD has put in a request for a class of 2 new ships to utilize the SPY-7 systems originally planned to be used as AEGIS Ashore systems. The current outline...
  4. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF next-generation Offshore Patrol Vessel

    This 2019 brainstorm from the Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics Agency seems to be still moving ahead, and is a bit odd even for that ill-starred front for the Finance Ministry (ostensible status as a MOD agency notwithstanding!). Apparently the idea was/is to enable the MSDF to be able to...
  5. Grey Havoc

    Unmanned Diving Machine program (Japan)

    Not much in the way of details yet. Apparently in the same class as the USN's XLUUV program, though requirements haven't been nailed down yet. Presumably will be operated by the MSDF, that is, if it ever manages to emerge from the unholy mess that is the Acquisition Technology and Logistics...
  6. C

    Grumman / Shin Meiwa ASR-544-4

    Something different for today ... a collaborative project between Grumman and Shin Meiwa in Japan. Note wing engines can tilt up a few degrees (it's described on another page). Also, there is heavy reliance on active boundary layer control via twin turbines behind the rear pressure bulkhead...
  7. Triton

    JMSDF CVH helicopter carrier

    From Ronnie Serrano on the "Project Terminated" page on Facebook: Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=876967599032670&set=gm.646696872124265&type=1&theater
  8. blackkite

    JMSDF trimaran plan

    Hi! Japan and the US have agreed to launch joint research on high-speed trimaran. The Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 4 March that it had signed a preliminary agreement on joint research into a high-speed trimaran with the Pentagon. The announcement followed the signing of a...
  9. hesham

    Mitsubishi Helicopter Projects

    Hi, has anyone a more info about Mitsubishi XMH-4M helicopter project ?. http://www.geocities.co.jp/Technopolis/2415/sato.html
  10. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF Takao class Destroyer Escort

    This is an unusual project, especially in light of known JMSDF doctrine. It was apparently conceived around the mid-'90s or there abouts by the JMSDF and the old JDA as a lower cost alternative to the procurement of futher units of the Kongō class (what would eventually become the Atago class)...
  11. Grey Havoc

    JMSDF Asuka Class[Type] testbed

    Came across this via an old article at Japan Security Watch; The JMSDF's Asuka Class ASE (Auxiliary Ship Experiment): [IMAGE CREDIT: vspg.net] The Asuka, which is the only one in her class, is an interesting testbed ship built on a Murasame class hull at a old Sumitomo Heavy Industries yard...
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