
  1. GTX

    Thunder 8x8 fully automatic 155mm howitzer View:
  2. T

    Turkey Shoot - Iranian Drone and Missile attack on Israel

    The great turkey shoot over Jordan (04 2024) : On the night of Saturday to Sunday 14th 04 24, Iran launched a series of Missile and drone strikes against Israel. Launches were reported from Iran, Irak and Yemen totalling 320 drones, Cruise and ballistic missiles (respectively, 170, 30 and 120...
  3. Grey Havoc

    69AD quarter shekel coin (worth $1 million dollars)
  4. AFlyer216

    MiG-21LanceR A , B and C Avionics etc

    Does anyone here know or have photos/videos of what the MiG-21LanceR avionics and systems look like? Or what they do exactly , If that makes sense ? I'm just very curios about it and I don't know too much ...Thanks!
  5. monochromelody

    Defector's Battle: Cromwell tanks in IDF

    After the end of the Second World War, the surviving Jews in the Nazi concentration camps set off a new wave of return to their hometowns and settle down in Palestine. Seeing that the time was right, Zionism began to raise up, calling on Jews living in different parts of the world to return to...
  6. shin_getter

    Hamas attack UUV Project
  7. Grey Havoc

    IRGC 'mothership' attacked in the Red Sea
  8. R

    Israel Air Launched Ballistic Missiles

    If anyone have information about these missiles, please share RAMPAGE ROCKS SPARROW
  9. overscan (PaulMM)

    Israeli visit to Northrop for YF-17 / F-18L

    From SDASM Flickr photostream - what is obviously a visit to Northrop from an Israeli delegation. Anyone know more?
  10. Grey Havoc

    RAFAEL Armament Development Authority Counterbattery 'Heavy' MLRS?

    Seems to me like this was (still is?) being worked on as a backup/supplement to Iron Dome: From the patent, it looks like the mobile launcher vehicle is designed to be easily disguisable/relatively inconspicuous. It might not have the raw firepower of the...
  11. R

    Iron Dome

    I was somewhat surprised to see no thread on the Iron Dome system, particularly after its success against the recent Hamas rockets fired against Israel. Does anybody have any information on the system?
  12. N

    XR311 Scout Car (GI Hot Rod)

    Hi boys, in one of my last posts I made a brief reference to the FMC XR311 scout car (nicknamed G. I. Hor Rod), in my opinion one of the sexiest military vehicles ever designed. The XR311 impressed the Japanese kitmaker Tamya much more than the US Army and this forerunner of the present day...
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