Let’s say Iran and Iraq are BOTH heavily sanctioned and cannot operate existing types or unable to procure sophisticated aircraft and have to rely on inferior types as parts for existing modern fleet are used up.
By 1983
Iran has primarily mirage V , F-5A , A-4 and F-8 operational
Iraq has to...
If Iran had bought the A-10 in sufficient numbers, they had been delivered and entered service, what, if any, impact would they have had on the course of the Iran-Iraq war?
close air support
cold war
imperial iranian airforce
imperial state ofiranislamicrepublicofiranislamicrepublicofiranairforce
ministry of war (imperial state ofiran)
Defence Blog - Iran unveils new Kowsar advanced jet trainer
See also the topic "Iran unveils indigenous turbojet engine".
Back in 2010 Iran announced that it had cloned the Hawk system and called it Shahin and incorporated it in a system called Mersad that along with some primitive looking radars also incorporated a rather cool quad twin 23mm cannon system:
Then earlier this year they announced they were...
aerospace forceof the irgc
iirgc aerospace command
islamicrepublicofiranislamicrepublicofiranairforceislamicrepublicofiran army ground forces
navy of the islamic revolutionary guard corps
aerospace trainer
cold war
fuerza aérea hondureña
imperial iranian airforceislamicrepublicofiranairforce
north atlantic treaty organisation
rok airforce
royal australian airforce
royal norwegian airforce
royal saudi airforce
united states
united states airforce
I do remember there are some version showed two tail Tiger2.One is VG-10, other is private vertion modified by famaly, all showed in JAWA before. Now the Iran Saeghe fighter remids me of those, who has more informations about that?
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